Yesterday afternoon I was on my way to a meeting with Lysa when I called my friend Holly from my cell phone. We were talking about where we could meet the next day so I could pick up something she needed me to take to the P31 office. Suddenly our call dropped.
"That's odd," I thought. "I'm on the highway and have a great signal."
Instead of calling her back, I had this odd sense that I should call home to see if I had any messages. It didn't make sense for me to do that. No one was at home. I was in the middle of a decision with Holly so I should call her right back. I wasn't expecting a call from anyone and I would be home in an hour or so. But oddly, I called home anyway.
My voice mail said there was one message, left at 1:23pm. I looked at the clock in my car. It was 1:24pm.
"That's odd," I thought. "They must have just left a message."
I pressed "1" to retrieve the message and listened as a thick-southern manly voice tried to explain that he had found a dog with a tag. "It say's er name is Daisy and she's got yur phone number on it. " Then he said something about working in a ditch on a road that is near my house.
My heart started pounding! It was at the corner of a VERY busy intersection with a four lane road and four-way stop light. I tried to drive, listen to the message and frantically write his number on the palm of my hand. Then I heard him say his name, Josh. God's peace came over me knowing that He had safely led my crazy Daisy into the arms of a man named Josh whose namesake (Joshua) reminds me of God's promise - that He will be with us wherever we go.
I called Josh back immediately. He told me he was about to go to another job site so I assured ld him I'd be there in 10 minutes. He kindly agreed to wait for me. When I got the
re Daisy was in his truck looking like she'd gladly go with him if he'd invite her. She's a beagle so her loyalties lie with whomever is willing to play with her or pet her. I have learned much about redeeming love through this dog, let me tell ya! I was so glad Josh hadn't taken her up on the offer to become his with her wagging tail and doggy grin.
As I drove home, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for God's timing, God's protection, and God's leading in my Spirit. It was Him who had oddly allowed my call to drop. It was Him who oddly lead me to call home to check messages at a time that didn't make sense. It was Him who lead Daisy to the ditchworker named Josh and Him who taught me a lesson that when things get a little odd, it may just be God!
"That's odd," I thought. "I'm on the highway and have a great signal."
Instead of calling her back, I had this odd sense that I should call home to see if I had any messages. It didn't make sense for me to do that. No one was at home. I was in the middle of a decision with Holly so I should call her right back. I wasn't expecting a call from anyone and I would be home in an hour or so. But oddly, I called home anyway.
My voice mail said there was one message, left at 1:23pm. I looked at the clock in my car. It was 1:24pm.
"That's odd," I thought. "They must have just left a message."
I pressed "1" to retrieve the message and listened as a thick-southern manly voice tried to explain that he had found a dog with a tag. "It say's er name is Daisy and she's got yur phone number on it. " Then he said something about working in a ditch on a road that is near my house.
My heart started pounding! It was at the corner of a VERY busy intersection with a four lane road and four-way stop light. I tried to drive, listen to the message and frantically write his number on the palm of my hand. Then I heard him say his name, Josh. God's peace came over me knowing that He had safely led my crazy Daisy into the arms of a man named Josh whose namesake (Joshua) reminds me of God's promise - that He will be with us wherever we go.
I called Josh back immediately. He told me he was about to go to another job site so I assured ld him I'd be there in 10 minutes. He kindly agreed to wait for me. When I got the
As I drove home, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for God's timing, God's protection, and God's leading in my Spirit. It was Him who had oddly allowed my call to drop. It was Him who oddly lead me to call home to check messages at a time that didn't make sense. It was Him who lead Daisy to the ditchworker named Josh and Him who taught me a lesson that when things get a little odd, it may just be God!
I always love to hear of instances where God literally meets us right where we are (on the road in the middle of a phone call!) if we're close enough and quiet enough to hear Him whisper to us.
I'm glad your Daisy is safe and sound.
Love the "odd God" connection and love the story of his faithfulness to you and to Daisy.
This would make a great radio show... hint, hint.
Love this story. Praising God for the safety of your precious pup.
How I love your heart. What made this a God story was that you listened to the prompting and responded. Many people might feel those little nudges during the day, but think nothing of them. We need to be asking the Lord to make us sensitive to His leading.
Yesterday I was doing the dishes in the morning and I had just run the water and was washing my first item when I thought I should call my friend Cindy. I didn't have much to wash (most of it went in the dishwasher), but I felt strongly that I should stop right then and call her even though it would have only taken me minutes to finish first.
As soon as she picked up the phone I could tell by her voice that something was wrong. When I asked her if she was OK, she started to cry. Her son had been threatened at High School by another boy (sadly, a Christian High School) and she was beside herself with worry. I was able to talk with her and pray with her over the phone and she said she just knew God had told me to pick up the phone and call right then.
So glad your dog is safe. Keep sharing these stories - they so encourage the rest of us :o)
Love ya,
Glad to hear that Daisy is ok. She proubably loved the road trip. Isn't it so awesome how God pays attention to details!
Praise Him for the oddities of life! I pray that if my little Tid-Bit ever wanders away someone will be a Joshua for us.
Thanks for this story and reminding me that God is more than able to meet our needs. We just need to be open and available to hear from Him.
That is such a beautiful story of how God speaks in what seems like the nick of time.
Your blog is beautiful. I look forward to coming back for more.
This is such a sweet story - such a precious reminder of our Master's watchful care over us. You know I love doggie stories and this one tops them all!
What a great lesson for us all, and I'm so glad your precious Daisy is okay!
Awesome story. I pray I would be so attentive to the Spirit. God bless and glad Daisy is home safely.
Good reminder to us!
Praise God for that dropped call! He never ceases to amaze me. He is at work in *every* area of our lives. God bless Josh for caring enough to call!
Isn't it wonderful our God works in our hearts?
God never ceases to amaze me! Glad you saw Him in this my friend!
Wow! I have goosebumps!! HE IS SO FAITHFUL!
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