We had the best time in New York. I just noticed that my legs are aching today, probably from all the walking we did. Climbing many flights of stairs and in back alleys, you ask? Nahhh! Just innocent street walking looking at purse carts and chasing down taxis to take us the opposite direction on one-way streets.
Oh my, how I needed that few days of laughing, playing and good Bible teaching. Lysa's messages were powerful and the women were eatin' up God's Word. It was an amazing conference on Saturday, and as Lysa shared on her blog at least 5o women committed their lives to Christ or made re-commitments. They were of every age, every stage and every nationality. I loved being with them and watching their responses to God's invitation to say YES to HIM!
I wish I could show you more photos. Bummer that they are all on Lysa's camera because I forgot mine. I tried to hi-jack it from her before I headed home but it wasn't happening. I'll see if I can get them this week. I need to create a few scrapbook pages here on my blog and tell my side of the story especially the part about me almost getting us killed.
It's true I lost my mind momentarily and argued in the middle of the street with a NYC cab driver. We've been told by the locals that legions of angels must have been guarding us. But I just have to tell you that the old mean cab driver accused our sweet Pedi-Taxi driver of knocking his whole front bumper off his van.
Now, I admit that our Pedi-driver did scrape the taxi. I felt the bump - but it wasn't that big. And there is no way a taxi cycle-cart can rip a whole bumper off. I am sure the thing was hangin' off before we showed up. But despite the danger that insued, the momma in me kicked in! I had actually kicked into "momma" mode before it all happened just thinking about how this young man was not going to be able to walk the next day after cartin' over 410 pounds of us through town. Still, I had no business getting involved. I've always been a "defender of the weak." I guess my passion kicked in to protect the partially innocent.
When I was a little girl, my daddy used to say I was going to be a nun when I grew up. Then I became a teen-ager and he changed his predictions, insisting I was going to be a lawyer. I always thought it was because he thought it paid better but now I am thinking he might have had other reasons.
Oh my, how I needed that few days of laughing, playing and good Bible teaching. Lysa's messages were powerful and the women were eatin' up God's Word. It was an amazing conference on Saturday, and as Lysa shared on her blog at least 5o women committed their lives to Christ or made re-commitments. They were of every age, every stage and every nationality. I loved being with them and watching their responses to God's invitation to say YES to HIM!
I wish I could show you more photos. Bummer that they are all on Lysa's camera because I forgot mine. I tried to hi-jack it from her before I headed home but it wasn't happening. I'll see if I can get them this week. I need to create a few scrapbook pages here on my blog and tell my side of the story especially the part about me almost getting us killed.

Now, I admit that our Pedi-driver did scrape the taxi. I felt the bump - but it wasn't that big. And there is no way a taxi cycle-cart can rip a whole bumper off. I am sure the thing was hangin' off before we showed up. But despite the danger that insued, the momma in me kicked in! I had actually kicked into "momma" mode before it all happened just thinking about how this young man was not going to be able to walk the next day after cartin' over 410 pounds of us through town. Still, I had no business getting involved. I've always been a "defender of the weak." I guess my passion kicked in to protect the partially innocent.
When I was a little girl, my daddy used to say I was going to be a nun when I grew up. Then I became a teen-ager and he changed his predictions, insisting I was going to be a lawyer. I always thought it was because he thought it paid better but now I am thinking he might have had other reasons.
Too funny! I am so glad you had a good time. It sounds like everyone did. What a neat treat and get away.
It sounds like the weekend was a success, 50 new sisters in the Lord. AMEN!! Isn't it great how God pays attention to the details of our lives. You were in such mental pain before you left. Then all the little blessings that HE provided along the way. I am glad to hear you got to FAO and played some.
I have one last question for you, where did you eat? The CIA, Culinary Institute of America is there. This is my training and they have some great places to eat around there. Love to hear about some of them.
Hope the laughter and word carries you a few more days.
Thanks for sharing your journey.
Well sweet sister Renee, I know what ya mean sister! A few years ago two bullies were threatening my kids and when they came home from the park to tell me what happened, I immediately drove right over there to take their lives!
Thank God He chose to save those boys' lives...their eternal lives. After I repented (and btw, you would've looked like an angel compared to the loony I looked like at the park!), God gave me the greatest honor to see those boys again a month later and share the Gospel with them. They both asked Christ to be their Lord and Savior and became a big part of our lives for months after...until they moved.
So, you never know! Sometimes crazy can turn you into an evangelist the next time! :-)
Bless you sweet sister!
Glad you had a fun weekend!!!
Renee, I enjoyed checking in with Lysa every day via her blog and seeing your trip to NY. It blessed my heart so much to see your smiling face in every picture. God was so gracious to gift you with this weekend of fun, food and fellowship right when you needed it most. I realize your circumstances haven't changed, but isn't it wonderful when He reminds us that, "weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning." Praising God for covering your wound with a bandage of laughter, the love of friends, and the welcoming of new sisters into the family of God.
Thanking Him for the precious time you shared with your sweet friends...and for keeping you safe!
Love, hugs and prayers,
Your legs are achin'...think of that poor pedi taxi driver! Talk about legs achin'. Oh well, at least you defended his honor. :-)
Glad you guys had a great time!
I smile when I think of your sweet face. I am so thankful for your sake that you got to just Get Away--from EVERYTHING. I pray you have come back refreshed, in body, mind, soul.
Oh, Father, if Renee is anything like me, being home after such a fun time might be a little trying... please ease her "re-entry" back to the demands of domesticity and ministry.
I would have love to see the cab driver's face as this lil' woman of God took up for the weak!! You go girl. What a great trip, it sounds like it recharged your spiritual batteries as well as those girlfriend ones. Can't wait to see pictures.
If you have a moment, please pop over to my blog and leave your thoughts on the toughest things about being a woman (it is for our new study, Esther by Beth Moore). Thanks!
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