Today is the big day for me to announce the winner of "
What Every Husband Needs from His Wife" from Wednesday's post. It's so hard to imagine only giving one of you this book. I want every one of you to win a copy! I told God about my little dilemna, and guess what? Late last night after my event, I checked my email and GOD ANSWERED! Christy Leake wants to help me give more than one book because her heart was so moved by all the stories and comments, too. I'm flying home this morning, then headed to SC for my half-marathon tomorrow but somehow I'm going to contact Christy so we can work out the details. We may do a matching gift-give-away so if you want to help please
visit Christy's blog and leave a comment on her Cool Christmas Give-away post and we'll be working on this together.
I'll wait to wait to announce those winners next Tuesday night (once we figure out how many we can have). Be sure to keep coming back to see if you're one of them!
And there's more...I'll be giving away 4 additional gifts to 4 winners on Monday night as part of Lysa's TerKeurst Cool Christmas Give-Away! Here is what you could win:
- $10 Target gift card or $10 Starbuck's gift card
- Susie Larson's - The Uncommon Woman
- Melanie Chitwood's - What Every Husband Needs
- Renee's Swope's - Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child Chart and Cd
Please leave a comment below this post if you'd like to be one of my Cool Christmas give-away winners. If you'd like to be part of the marriage give-away be sure to
go here. And for more cool Christmas give-away's, be sure to hop over to Lysa's blog by clicking on the Cool Christmas give-away button above.
Happy Friday!
Hey There,
Hope you have a great weekend, praying for you as you speak.
What amazing book giveaways!
They are worth reading twice. And what better way to enjoy the books then with a latte from Starbucks on a cold winters day.
Everyone cannot win of course so I recommend you purchase these books to read if you aren't the winner.
I would love to be entered for the items you listed. Sounds like you have been very busy, have a great weekend.
Sign me Up...I love contests..and I love Christmas..and I love you gals!
Thanks for opportunity to win fun giveaways!
Thank you for entering me. I missed the last giveaway and would love to win a copy of this book.
Thank you,
I enjoyed the devo on honoring our husbands...I needed the reminder!
Please enter me for your give-away!
Pamela in TX
YEA!!! I love it when God works like that!! Isn't He just awesome in how He moves and prompts people to accomplish things?! I was worried that with all the comments posted, your trip, your long hard week, that my email might get lost in it all. I'm glad it didn't.
I am so happy that God has led me to your blog. I was searching for something on Wednesday morning and happened upon your article on RESPECT and it was exactly what I needed that day and every day.
I must confess that I tend to be very independant and don't include my husband in things the way that I should and your blog has really hit home with me, exactly what I need.
I would love to be entered in your give-aways. It has only been 2 days since I started "tuning" in, but I can assure that I will be here every morning in the future.
You are a blessing...God Bless,
Thank you for the opportunity to be entered in so many giveaways! I hope that JJ is doing well. Thanks for keeping us updated.
I'd love to be included in the other giveaways.
Good luck with your half marathon tomorrow!
I came over from Lysa's and want to spend alot of time reading! Will do so... and please sign me up for the give-away! Thanks so much.
Thanks for the great contest. Please sign me up.
Deb V
You are one busy girl...flying, checking email, blogging, running a marathon...and giving away great gifts!
Praying for you!
Hi Renee, I hopped over from Lysa's blog. I would love to be included in the contest.
I also read the P31 devotionals, thank you for doing such a great job.
You are a blessing! Thanks so much for the chance to win one of these amazing books or some yummy coffee!
Hope your hubby is feeling great and that you are feeling refreshed by the Lord!
Love and prayers,
Hey Renee! Wow - this is so much fun!!! I'm taking part in the Give-Away too - it's my first ever give-away and I'm enjoying this so much!! Hop over to my blog when you get a minute and see what you could win :o)
Your give-away is AMAZING!
How did your speaking go? I was praying.
Love ya,
Wow, you have a busy weekend! Thank you kindly for the giveaway, I'd love to be included.
Merry Christmas,
Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity. Count me in :-)
Sounds great. Count me in and have a blessed holiday season!!
In His Graces~Pamela
I'm so excited to hear that I may still win the marriage give-away! Woo hoo! I never win anything (it absolutely does not matter if everyone is winning - that includes me as a winner. WOW!) Please also enter me to win your cool Christmas giveaway. I am still hoping to see you with Lysa and Kate Gosselin in Houston. :)
Lori J, Texas
Please add me into the give away thanks
I can't believe that JJ is still going to run! I will be praying for him.
Would love to win your cool prizes!!
I am finding all of these awesome blogs. I love you guys. This is great. I have been looking at some new books to get and would love to read the books.
Thanks for the opportunity and have a Merry Christmas.
Great give-aways! Thanks for entering me in your contest.
Hi Renee, enter me in your contest! Thanks! And be sure and stop by my blog to enter mine. Blessings to you.
Hi Renee,
God Bless you. Have a beautiful day!!
I can always use some coffee. Sign me up!!!
I an't believe it's time for the half-marathon! Woo-hoo! You'll do great! And...of course I'd love a chance to win.
Thanks so much for offering such wonderful giveaways! Please include me in your drawing!
Hope you enjoy running your 1/2 marathon!
Praying for your marathon tomorrow! You go girl! :) So proud of you!
Oh please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.. Thanks..
Thanks for your generosity. I would like to be entered in your give away.
Loved your devotional yesterday. Enter me in the "more cool give-aways" contest.
Best of luck to you as you run the half marathon!
Also, I would love to be entered for the give away!
Count me in! Pick me! Pick me!
Fresh from a parent-teacher interview, which wasn't bad but reminds me that each of my children are VERY different and I need to CELEBRATE their differences, I am intrigued by your gift offer of 'Mining for Gold in the Heart of your Child'.
So I guess this is my official entry!
Have a happy week-end. So glad to hear that your husband is doing better!
Please enter my into your giveaway contest. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
I would like to be entered please.
I would love to win!!! Thank you so much!
wow, thank you for this opportunity, enter me
Hi, Renee. Just wanted to let you know that your words on respecting and honoring your husband are so wise and so needed. You are such a blessing all of us who are trying to be godly wives! I love reading your posts and being encouraged by them. And if I happen to win something too, that's just icing on the cake! May God continue to bless you in your ministry!
Renee...enjoy your blog, and hearing about your journey with adoption...It is a passion of mine!
YOU have GOT to love my SUSIE LARSON do you not?
You know... there is nothing to stop you from coming over to win something from me for a change!
Take a look if you like Brandon Heath!
Merry Christmas!
Renee - I love your giveaways!! I would love to win any of them, really - I'm not picky at all! :)
Isn't this fun?! :)
Any of your giveaways would be so fun to receive - thanks!!!
And how neat God answered your prayer to bless more than just one!
How neat! I love reading these blogs. It helps me stay focused on being a better wife. Of course all the time that it takes me to read them all doesn't help me to get up off my duff and clean our house for my hubby, but I am working on that. :)
I would love to be one of your Cool Christmas Give Away Winners!
Blessings & Peace to you!
No need to sign me up...already been so blessed by your life and ministry. Just writing to say, run hard. Run well. Your prize awaits, sweet sister.
Love u.
I'll be praying for you and the marathon.
Thanks to all of you for your generosity! Don't we all love giveaways?! If I win any of them, I plan to share with a girlfriend. After all, isn't that what friends are for :-)
oh, if it's not too late, please enter me...this sounds like a great giveaway!!
I also LOVE your blog title picture...beautiful!
Loved your post on honoring husbands. I found myself challenged as I read it and knew it was something I needed to hear. Please sign me up for your contest! :-) Sweet blessings!
Would love to have a copy of this book! Blessings.
Plese enter me in the Christmas Give-away.
hey enter me please
I hope that your travels mean that JJ is doing better! Thanks so much for continuing to share happy messages for all of us through the craziness that you've been experiencing. :-)
Great giveaway! Would love a chance to win! Blessings!
I would like to be entered, please~
Hey Renee--enter me! God Bless.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! I am putting these books on my reading wish list.
Ummm super wowzie! I cannot even believe all the goodies here.
I want that book, sister! I can totally see why you would pray for more to win it. It sounds incredible!
Love your blog....and your ministry. I'm a little blog stalkerish on here. Sorry.
Don't feel weird.
I would love to enter your give-a-way. This is so much fun.
I am so glad that you are going to run in your marathon. You go girl. Is JJ running?
Please sign me up!! Thanks!!!
Thanks for offering these great gifts. I would love your book!!
i would love to be entered! thanks.
Please add me to the give away. I hope you rock it at the marathon.
Best wishes at the Marathon. Thank you so much for offerings such amazing prizes.
Please enter me.
Blessings, Caroline
thegrossmans at carolina.rr.com
Love your giveaway! Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!
Great give a ways. I would love to be entered for them. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Renee,
Thanks for your realism in your writing. Your devotion the other day about disrespecting your husband has stuck to me like glue! Truly a word in due season!
Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Hi Renee,
I would love to win your Christmas get away.. we dont have Target or Starbucks up here in Littleton yet.. but I love books.. esp on Marriage.
My email is:cgunning94504@adelphia.net.
May the Lord be with you as you speak.
Chrissy Gunning
Thank you for an amazing giveaway...blessings and happy holidays.
Hi Renee,
Just wanted you to know that I continue to pray for you.
Enter me please!
I would be honored to win one of your give aways. They all sound so good and positive. You are an inspiration to many and I pray that God blesses you and you family for you have blessed so many!!
God speed,
Tricia in Ky
Visit http://christyleake.blogspot.com/2008/12/give-away-adventure.html to join in on the give away adventure of the book Renee mentioned in her RESPECT post.
amazing give a ways. I have had so much fun entering the give a ways but even more fun getting to know more people. please count me in for this
Please enter me in the give-away! Thanks!
Wow! Choices?! What a fun (girlie) giveaway!
Sounds wonderful.
Count me in!
I have kept your P31 on Honoring Husbands in my email inbox for a week now trying to find time to read it...I KNEW I needed to and am so glad I did. I hope to find more ways to Honor and show respect to my husband.
Would love to be entered into your contest.
Enter me for any of the great prizes. These would all be useful, helpful and refreshing. Can't wait to see you next month!
Paula G. <><
Hi Renee,
I would love to be entered into the contest. I am so excited about it. I wish I could join in with something to give away, but as of yet, haven't come up with anything!
You have been a blessing to me this year as I have visited you frequently, and I have been praying for you through the adoption process...
May God continue to bless you and your growing family!
Wow! What a great collection of stuff! Thanks for being so generous.
I love to be included......
Good luck with your marathon
I love to read and these books sound wonderful!!
Please enter me!
thanks & blessings,
Sounds like so much fun! Please enter me if it's not too late!
I would love for you to enter me in the giveaways. Thank you for all you do, ya'll truely are a blessing to me as a mom and wife!!
Please enter me in the great giveaways.
Hey Renee,
I'm so glad you are doing the half marathon. Hope JJ is feeling back to normal. I know he will be cheering you on. Thanks for the goodies you are sharing.
These are great. I would love to win any of them. Thank you for your generousity Renee! Sign me up please. :D
Rich Christmas Blessings to you!
Thank you Renee for offering these giveaways!
Hope it's not to late to be entered!
Please enter me in the Christmas give-away. This will make a nice gift if I happen to win. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Would love to win any of the items you listed. They all sound so wonderful!
I have the book, "What a Husband Needs from his Wife". I took a bible study lesson on it through our Church. It's a WONDERFUL book and helped open my eyes!!!
Please enter me in your contest.
God Bless and Merry Christmas!
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