Now don't let that touched up cover photo fool you. I have a lot more wrinkles than it shows and I'm no cover girl, let me tell ya. I'm an ordinary woman/mom/wife who sometimes doesn't even get to take a shower before her husband gets home. Like yesterday, for example. It's a good thing they weren't taking my picture then. It would've been hard to catch me since I was driving from here to there and everywhere picking up kids, grabbing lunch at the drive-thru, cleaning floors and towels, vacuuming and running to the hospital to get my husband who'd been there over the Thanksgiving holiday.
I was hoping to look pretty for JJ's homecoming. You know - wash my hair, change out of my sweatsuit. But I gave up that plan after chasing my soaking wet dog who'd come in from the rain. While I wiped her paws, she slipped away in an attempt to run rampant on my newly cleaned floors, so I dove for the open laundry room door. That's when I slammed the corner of my head into the corner of my faux marble counter top. OUCH!!! (Things like that ar

JJ and and the boys gasped when I showed it to them last night. I wish the flash didn't wash out the color so you could see it. It looked like a bloodshot blue eyeball on my forehead. Lovely, huh?
Here I am knocked in the noggin with a big ole knot on my head and theCWO magazine cover shot and article pops into my email inbox this morning. God's timing is so funny!
Before I go, I want to say "thanks" to Christian Women Online for the honor of doing this interview! It was a real treat. I loved getting to know Sunny Shell (my CWO interviewer and new friend) and answer all of her great questions. It was like tracing the lines of God's story in my life for the past 13 years. It helped me remember and thank God for all that He has done. I pray that as women read my story in this interview, they'll be able to trace His hand in theirs. If you'd like to read it, click here.
Ouch, that looks like it needs a nice pink Barbie bandaid and a gentle kiss from JJ. Aren't you glad that the picture was taken pre boo boo. It is a great pic by the way.
How is JJ doing? Is he feeling any better?
Ahh, Renee, I hope your head is feeling better. It looks nasty! *ouch*!
I just came from reading your interview - WOW - it was like enjoying a mini visit! I smiled when I saw the picture of the "red plate" and read how you set a place at your table for Jesus! We've always done the same thing!! In fact, I had just written about that in comments on a couple of other blogs and then I came here and read how you do that too! We even have the same red plate!!! We place a crown on ours that our son made when he was young, reminding us of the King who became a baby.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading how God has led in so many areas of your life so specifically. God is so good!
I absolutely loved the saying on that t-shirt! I would have purchased that in a heartbeat as well. I'm going to remember that truth. As I told Zoe in June when I attended her "Dangerous" seminar, there isn't anything "dangerous" about me, but I desire Christ's love to move me to extremes.
Trust JJ is continuing to feel better. Praying for you and all your family.
Love, prayers and hugs,
OUCHHHH!!! That looks so painful!!
So glad to hear that your hubby is home--so who is taking care of who?? May be the boys can play caretakers!???!?
Oh, your poor head. You can see the knot. Yikes. I hope it feels better soon. I hope JJ is recooping well at home.
Oh Renee...touched-up photo or a snapshot with a bump on your head...His beauty still radiates in and through you! I just read your article and LOVED it!!!!
I am so glad you are okay. Praise the Lord that JJ is home. I stopped in to get an update.
Love ya,
Ouch...ouch...ouch! You are so me. Sorry. I know that hurt. You keep me humble, friend. Feel better soon.
Poor noggin! :(
Looking forward to reading your interview!
Praying you and your family can enjoy some nice, healthy, bump free days very soon!!!
Girl! I can't believe you about knocked you sweet self out! Reminds me of the time I about gouged my eye out with the spindle of my glider rocker. Note to self: Never bend down to take off panty hose while standing right next to a glider rocker. Owie!!!
So glad JJ is home safe and sound, and I'm praying he feels better and better every day until he's at 110 percent! Love you, Lee
Renee, that is an awesome interview and I'm sure it will touch many other women just like it touched me.
Sorry about the noggin. I got one of those once when I was running from a possum that had somehow gotten in our basement- very long funny story. It took weeks to heal, but once it was gone it left no lasting scars. I'm sure you'll be back to your beautiful self soon.
Glad JJ is home!!!
Yikes, I hope you're feeling better. What a week for the Swope family!
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