My heart feels ready and so does my home. I spent all day shopping for food and gifts yesterday.Today has been spent with friends and now I am back to share photos from last week's adventures. I can't believe it's already been a week since we got back. Here are a few of the fun memories...
Lights, camera, action!
The first part of filming was just me talking to the camera - sharing about the conference and why it's so very needed for parents today. Then I shared a D6 story.

Leah said it went great. I was so glad she was there to
encourage and pray for me. Here she is on the floor, which she said was more comfortable than the chair behind her.
From the floor, this was Leah's view of us filming.

Jeremy (who has such a servant's heart) is working the cameraand Matt Markins (who is a creative genius that passionately loves Jesus and his family) is getting ready to do the interview portion. He had such great questions!

Lysa stopped by towards the end to
share two great D6 stories.
Leah took a quick photo of us together.
This is our before photo...

These are our "after" photos!
After we finished filming, we caught a 7:45pm flight to Houston - which was delayed. We got to TX at 11pm our time. Somehow our luggage got delayed in la la land. Here we are standing in baggage claim for what felt like forever waiting for our precious cargo!
Here I am swatting at Lysa who's trying to get a close-up
so you can see how blood shot my eyes are.
We finally got our bags, rented a car and found our hotel. Much to our surprise, it was FREEZING outside!! Thankfully they had hot cocoa in the hotel lobby (although the color of the hot water was questionable). We got some anyway, and then went nighty-night. It was 1am EST when our heads hit the pillow. All this happened, all in a day!
encourage and pray for me. Here she is on the floor, which she said was more comfortable than the chair behind her.

Jeremy (who has such a servant's heart) is working the cameraand Matt Markins (who is a creative genius that passionately loves Jesus and his family) is getting ready to do the interview portion. He had such great questions!

Lysa stopped by towards the end to
share two great D6 stories.

This is our before photo...

These are our "after" photos!

so you can see how blood shot my eyes are.

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