As I look at my beautiful little girl that is getting so big, I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness that she is ours. Today I was captured by her pretty-in-pink cuteness, her contagious joy and her sweet smile. WOW! The difference we see in her from the day we met her at the orphanage is remarkable.
Watching the devastation in Haiti and knowing thousands of children are without a home, without a mommy or daddy, without food, without anything - is breaking my heart. Tonight we heard on the news that there is a proposal being considered to allow children orphaned in Haiti to come to the US and be cared for while they wait to find their family or be adopted by another.
This touches a raw spot in our hearts, and we can't stop talking about how thankful we are that Aster is home, safe with us.
There are so many wonderful families who would love to give a home and their hearts to these children who are orphans. I was covered in goose bumps from head to toe as we listened to the story, and the possibility of hope for their future. At one point JJ asked if we should consider adopting one of them. My mom started breathing deeply, so we dropped the subject. For now, we'll do what we can...send money and pray for these children. We know you join us in that. And again, we thank you so much for all of your beautiful prayers for our little one too!!!
Oooh! I can see her when she's older with pretty braids in her hair. She is so beautiful!
Loves those plump cheeks!
Aster is beautiful. You can tell she has a real personality. So glad she is yours.
You are such an inspiration. You realness is refreshing and I always get excited when I see "The Journey of My Heart" in my inbox. Please don't Q-U-I-T. You too awesome at what you do. Aster is beautiful and I can tell she is truly loved.
What a beautiful little girl. I love seeing her smiling face. She just makes my day. I can imagine what you must feel. Thanks Renee for posting the pictures. You and your family are very special.
I just love posts seeing Aster. She is precious! If you don't really have time to write a post you can always just load pics of the kids! It works. I am planning to come to your event in Milton. If you need anything while in the breeze let me know. I saw some children from Haiti did make it to the US. Praying they are taken care of and loved by a family. B
I just have to say that it's cracking me up that you are still trying (perhaps desperately??) to get Aster to wear a bow in her hair! She is so sweet (with and without the bow). Maybe one of these days she will forget that it's there... Good luch!
Beautiful pics, I love her eyes! I wanted you to know Aster's story is even impacting our little ones. The other night we were watching about Haiti and my little Joy (5) says, "maybe we could adopt one of them." She asked again today and is now praying... Blessings, Jill
Aster is simply beautiful and her smile is contagious! I'm so glad she's home with y'all and pray that God will breaks the doors DOWN to allow the children in Haiti come to the US until they can be adopted. I saw that story too and so wish I could take a couple. They are in my prayers as well as the people offering to bring them here.
So so cute - I cant believe how big she is already getting! Guess all that food, and extra pounds of love every day, will do that to a girl. :)
Wow she looks so big compared to the pictures of her at the orphanage. She is thriving and beautiful. I am so glad that she has you and your family for her very own. I have been praying for you daily, not real sure just general prayer for you and Lysa. Although I do not know the 2 of you personally, y'all have been on my heart.
Oh my word, she is just precious in pink! :) My baby girl never liked her bows at that age either. Even at this age (28 months) she wants me to put them in just so she can take them out! haha
Prayers and blessings,
How beautiful she is:) I love seeing her pictures so please continue to share her with us. I too feel like JJ at times and want to adopt a child from Haiti. At this point my husband does not feel like that is something we are suppose to do. So I will continue to pray for them and continue to ask the Lord what are we suppose to do.
Angela T Ramsey
Darling pictures of your adorable girl!
You are very determined to get Aster to wear that bow but maybe you've met your match! I think the Swope household has two very strong-willed ladies living there. She's too cute! Love ya, Kesha
What a cutie pie!
I received your Mining for Gold character chart as a doorprize and was trying to adapt it for our family. What do you think of the research that says that offering rewards for good behavior can backfire in a child? For example:
I know you don't give them a nugget when they ask for it and you don't tell them to act a certain way just to get it, but how do you respond to this kind of research?
It sounds like a great idea, so I would love to hear what you think about the counter research.
Cautious Mom,
Jen Allee
I received your Mining for Gold character chart as a doorprize and was trying to adapt it for our family. What do you think of the research that says that offering rewards for good behavior can backfire in a child? For example:
I know you don't give them a nugget when they ask for it and you don't tell them to act a certain way just to get it, but how do you respond to this kind of research?
It sounds like a great idea, so I would love to hear what you think about the counter research.
Cautious Mom,
Jen Allee
Your Aster is just precious. What a little blessing she must be. Oh, they do grow up fast. The devastation in Haiti reminds us how important it is to take care of each other. It looks like you are doing a pretty good job of that!
Thank you for your great question about my Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child character chart! I had the same concerns.
I didn't want my kids to grow up being performance based. But as I prayed about it the Lord challenged my heart with the thought that there are negative consequences to sinful behavior, so why was I hesitant about positive consequences to Godly behavior? Then I prayed that He would confirm that this was His idea through scripture and did a search on the word "reward" in the Bible. Here are some verses I found that made me want to teach my children that following Jesus comes with blessings and rewards:
1 Samuel 26:23, The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness.
2 Chronicles 15:7, But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
Psalm 19:8-11, The precepts of the LORD are right,giving joy to the heart.The commands of the LORD are radiant,giving light to the eyes. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.They are more precious than gold,than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey,than honey from the comb.
By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
Psalm 62:11-12, One thing God has spoken,two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong,and that you, O Lord, are loving.Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done.
I wove this into my character training with my kids. I read them these verse so they would know the foundation behind the golden nugget and blessings for good character. Also, as I share in my chart, I don't give just tangible rewards such as a quarter or a toy. Our reward system includes saving up their gold nuggets for something special like family night, or extra time with friends, etc. That way it's not breaking my budget to teach my kids the rewards of good character.
I can honestly say my kids didn't use this as a way to get what they want. If they did, we'd have stopped doing it. My kids were greatly impacted by this character development tool. It was so valuable for us and God used it as a very positive way to shape their character and ours to look more like His. Hope that helps!
Again, thank you for asking!
Thank you so much for your speedy reply. I appreciate it. I, too, will study "reward" in the Bible as we seek what to do. We have a 3.5 year old and a 15 month old and want to start off right with character!
Thanks again,
She is beautiful!
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
How precious!!! She keeps getting more beatiful each and every day!
I must not have you on my bloglist to get updates to remind me to come visit.
She is TOOOO cute!! Pretty in pink is her for sure. Pretty and in pink. I often think of you and her. The love is so precious!!! Your story is so precious. I remember you talking about completing your 'dozer'.
300 children were/are suppose to come to Indiana through Safe Families and for sure be adopted. Maybe those are ones that they know the parents didn't make it.
Oh I love her. She's gorgeous Renee!!
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