We got back from the beach last Wednesday night. From that point on it's been a mad dash to the first day of school and the first day back to the office yesterday. I am sorry I'm not so good at blogging in the midst of a crazy busy schedule. For the next few days I thought I'd roll back the cameras and catch up on life here at the Swopes.
Last Thursday was Open House at the middle school for Joshua where we got to meet his teachers and find out what friends are in his classes. Then we ran to Target for our final school shopping spree. While we were there some pretty girls started following my 13yr old son around, saying his name and then hiding behind shelves and clothes. They were 10! I am not ready for this! I thought I was going to lose it when they showed up in the underwear and socks area where we he was selecting his first pair of "boxers." I'm not ready for that either. I thought men wore boxers. My first born son is now a man-cub.
Friday was Andrew''s Open House at the elementary school where we got to meet his teacher- who I love. Guess what? One of the girls from Target is in Andrew's class! That pretty girl who was stalking my 13 yr old totally blew off my 5th grader, rolled her eyes at him and flipped her hair as she spun around to walk away, right as I was introducing myself to her mom. I was oh so tempted to say something but I kept my mouth shut. Good thing I'm reading "Taming the Tongue." It surely came in handy that day.
Friday afternoon the boys invited four friends over to our house for an end-of-summer sleepover. It was so much fun! We had a house full with 2 parents and 6 boys! They ate pizza, ice cream, chips and brownies until they could eat no more. We played capture the flag, hide-n-go seek, a family game called ghost and then we did the unthinkable!
The boys wanted to do something crazy and fun before going to bed. So we gave them each a roll of toilet paper and loaded them into our van. This was not pre-meditated, I promise! JJ drove them over to a friends house and let them "roll" Clint's car at 10pm. He's actually the dad of two of the boys that were here, and he's a youth pastor, so we knew he'd be cool with it.
JJ took our camera and video taped the whole thing.
Oh, and he wore his VT Hokie wig for added flare. When they got back we watched the video. The boys loved seeing themselves in the pitch of night with a camera spotlight and white rolls of paper sneaking around.
Saturday morning I woke up feeling bad about the mess Clint would have to clean up so I drove over at 7am to help him. His car was already gone and their trash can was full of toilet paper. There were a few straggling strips laying on the ground so I picked them up and my prankster's remorse was relieved. Later that morning when he came to get his boys the kids showed him the DVD. They loved seeing his reaction and smile. He had no idea it was them.
The rest of our weekend was filled with a birthday party, a date night, school paperwork, menu planning, more time with friends, church, youth group, and two very pooped parents!
Last Thursday was Open House at the middle school for Joshua where we got to meet his teachers and find out what friends are in his classes. Then we ran to Target for our final school shopping spree. While we were there some pretty girls started following my 13yr old son around, saying his name and then hiding behind shelves and clothes. They were 10! I am not ready for this! I thought I was going to lose it when they showed up in the underwear and socks area where we he was selecting his first pair of "boxers." I'm not ready for that either. I thought men wore boxers. My first born son is now a man-cub.
Friday was Andrew''s Open House at the elementary school where we got to meet his teacher- who I love. Guess what? One of the girls from Target is in Andrew's class! That pretty girl who was stalking my 13 yr old totally blew off my 5th grader, rolled her eyes at him and flipped her hair as she spun around to walk away, right as I was introducing myself to her mom. I was oh so tempted to say something but I kept my mouth shut. Good thing I'm reading "Taming the Tongue." It surely came in handy that day.

Friday afternoon the boys invited four friends over to our house for an end-of-summer sleepover. It was so much fun! We had a house full with 2 parents and 6 boys! They ate pizza, ice cream, chips and brownies until they could eat no more. We played capture the flag, hide-n-go seek, a family game called ghost and then we did the unthinkable!

JJ took our camera and video taped the whole thing.

Saturday morning I woke up feeling bad about the mess Clint would have to clean up so I drove over at 7am to help him. His car was already gone and their trash can was full of toilet paper. There were a few straggling strips laying on the ground so I picked them up and my prankster's remorse was relieved. Later that morning when he came to get his boys the kids showed him the DVD. They loved seeing his reaction and smile. He had no idea it was them.
The rest of our weekend was filled with a birthday party, a date night, school paperwork, menu planning, more time with friends, church, youth group, and two very pooped parents!
I'm glad you are back in the bloggy saddle...I've missed you.
Hey Renee, Sounds like you've had some wonderful times of family and fun!
Missed you while you were away. Received my "She Speaks" CD's in the mail today - and my unexpected DVD! What a treat!! Sat down and watched it after dinner - it was a blessing the second time around too! I have been sharing with everyone about the 'visual' of your message and the impact it had on me - now they can actually 'see' your message too!
Praying for you as you head into Fall schedules. You are remembered with love and prayers,
You are busy!! One of the things I learned in my youth group was how to teepee your friends (and youth minister!). My girls and I have so much fun with this kind of thing too! Memories!!
welcome home!!
In His Graces~Pamela
How fun! My 7 year old is already wanting to do the TP thing. I love having boys!
Paula G.
Welcome back! Hope that school is going well! Loved the rolling that you and JJ encouraged!!!! You brave and wild thing!!
Oh, the boxers...those are definitly cool--no more whitey tighties! Just make sure that there are no super heroes or movie characters on them! I've learned the hard way!
Hi there! I'm so glad you are back! I've been MIA, too, and it's good to be back!
I just read Joy's comment and am I to assume that you teaching is now available on cd/dvd??? I was unable to attend, but from everything I've heard, your teaching was the highlight of the conference!
Prayers and blessings,
Welcome back, Renee!
Wow, you've been busy. I pray things settle down for you and that your kids have a great school year.
I know first hand the feeling of watching them grow up. Watching my two daughters, walking down the drive-way to middle school together was surreal. To think, I no longer have an elementary school child. Weird!
AWESOME!! Sounds so familiar and I love hearing just how real you are!! God bless you as you get back into the swing of school, blogging and other fall activities :)
Hey girl!
First...thank you for your comment on my blog. I just can't tell you how much it blessed me when I read it. I love to see your name pop up when you get the occasion to make it over. Friend, you are special and I love you!
Second...this blog hit a little too close to home...especially when I saw the shaggy haired boys at the table (reminded me of mine) and the hubby in the orange wig! That is soooooo something my hubby would be wearing, and he would be the ringleader of the pack!! Fun stuff. Good memories. :)
We need to do lunch one day soon. Let's get our calendars together, ok?
Lisa :)
Welcome back! Sounds like a fun way to end the summer.
Hope you're keeping your head above water in all the shifts of this season. Routine will soon come and you'll be able to breathe again. Thinking about you and wondering what God's got stirring in your your heart these days. Keep us posted.
What a fun and cool parent you are! : ) Those are the memories that your kids will tell their kids.
I have been reading today -- going way back as you see... thanks for sharing your journey to adoption. We have been waiting for the right timing for so long...due to my husband's career...we have had to move every 2-3 years and agencies have told us over and over we can't really do it until we settle. We should "settle" in June...and I am so excited. I have no idea God wanted me to go through the waiting to start period...He has opened my eyes to so much and changed my heart many times through the process of waiting. Ethiopia keeps coming up .... I have no idea. I have a friend in TN that was able to bring her little girl home this summer...she is on my blogroll (Coffey House). I have no idea what state you are in..but may I ask? and are you open to sharing waht agency you used? Blessings.
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