The Power of a Praying Friend
I hate open heights! I can’t stand balconies, glass elevators freak me out, and when I am driving across a bridge, you’ll find me hugging the dividing rail along the inside lane.

Some friends tried to help me conquer these fears by inviting our family to join them one Sunday afternoon at Inner Peaks Climbing Center. I cringed at the thought of it, but JJ and our boys really wanted to go. So I caved in and agreed to a family “outing” inside this huge rock-climbing center.

When we entered the doors, my heart stopped beating as I look up at the highest peak – 25 feet! The instructors assured me that a web of ropes, harnesses and carabiners would hold me tight. Before I could say “no thank you,” I was strapped in and signing an injury waiver. I played it safe and stayed on the lower peaks.

Towards the end of the day, our friends John and Laura challenged their eight-year-old son Steven to climb to the highest peak – promising $5 in tokens and a cone of ice cream at arcade next door if he would touch the bar at the top.

Steven was afraid of heights, too, but he loved a dare. The promise of reward, mixed with the challenge and faith of his father evoked courage in Steven.

I watched with admiration as that little guy started the climb with confidence. He made it to 15 feet, then 20. But as he inched past the next face of the wall, he saw just how far he had to go before reaching the bar at the top. In fear, he looked down with tears and said he couldn’t do it. Then he cried out for his daddy’s help.

By this time, John was holding their very tired 3 yr old, and Laura was feeding their very hungry baby girl. I don’t know where my brave husband was, but as I looked around I realized I was the only one standing there who could do something.

Suddenly courage and strength surged through my body. I called out to Steven, “Don’t give up buddy. Wait for me to come to you. You can do it. I’ll help you!”

I said a quick prayer that God would help me and that Steven wouldn't give up and start repelling his way down before I got to him. In no time, I reached the 20 foot marker. I crossed over the peak and up beside Steven to encourage him, reminding him of how far he’d come. Using my words and my confidence I focused his thoughts towards a higher goal, an inner peak, a reward that would be much greater than ice cream and game tokens – the reward of getting to a place he had stopped believing he could reach.

My fear was gone. I had stopped thinking about me long enough to focus on helping someone else reach their goal and overcome their fear. Strangely enough, in that moment I overcame mine, and reached a peak of my own.

I became the response of a child's cry for his father's help. And that day became a picture of what happens when friends pray for and encourage one another. Like Jesus, we come alongside each other in some of life’s hardest challenges and highest peaks and we say, “Don’t give up, you can do it. Wait for me. I’ll help you.”

In that moment we take our eyes off our fears, our doubts, our struggles and set them on someone else's needs. There we find faith to believe the power of God’s Word for them, and somehow our confidence in God's promises and power are true for us in a way they may never have been before. That is the power of a praying friend!

Today, I invite you to join me in a conversation with God and some girlfriends so that we can experience what happens when women pray – for each other. This is your chance to share a request (a need, a hope, a desire) that you want someone to pray for you for this week. In return, you will pray for one person for the next week, too.

And because I love to share with friends books that draw me closer to Jesus, those who participate in our “conversation with God” will be part of a drawing next week for a new book called “Dear Jesus.” It is filled with devotions and scriptures that capture the heart of God’s response to every woman’s longings and intimate struggles.

Here’s how we’ll do this:

Click the word “Comments” below my name on this post (just under the 2nd green box).

Type in your prayer request in the white box.

Include your first name and where you are from.
(If you don’t have a blogger account, you can sign in as anonymous. But please include your first name at the end.) After type your request, click enter. Your comment will post.

Read the prayer request/comment above yours and pray for that friend.

Copy and paste it in an email to yourself as a reminder to pray for your new friend throughout the week.

On Monday, I’ll post about the power of praying God’s Word and share some of my favorite scripture prayers. Wouldn’t it be neat to find a Bible verse to pray for our prayer partner and post it in Monday’s comments? I’ll share how to do that.

There were two people in blessed in my story. But I never would have experienced what God had for me to give or receive that day if Steven hadn't asked for help. I pray you will experience the power of a praying friend by promising to be one and allowing someone else to be one for you today. Be sure to click "comments" just below this box so that others see your prayer request and you find the request you are to pray for, too.
© 2008 by Renee Swope. All rights reserved.


Blogger Renee Swope said...

Welcome if you are visiting from my devotion today featured through P31 and Crosswalk.

If you want to read the rest of the story from the devotion (to find out about my husband's biopsy results) click on "Good News I've Been Dying to Tell You" in my sidebar.

I realized that the first one to comment would not have someone to pray for, so I decided it would be me! My prayer is for us to complete our adoption paperwork and for me to get 10-15 new radio shows written by Wednesday of next week.

Thanks so much for your prayers!!!

Blogger LeeBird3 said...

You'll be prayed for fervently Renee!

My prayer request is that my special education students will get the schedules that will help them be the most successful for this school year. (I am one of the ones making the schedule, so I need God's wisdom.)

I also ask for prayer that I would have the level of repentance necessary to lay down my sins of approval addiction and gluttony. I hate that word, but that's what it is. Thank you in advance for your prayers!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am struggling with the politics of our church, my feelings toward our pastor which makes it difficult for me to find God in church and communication difficulties in my marriage. I know alot but this is what is in on my heart and mind.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, unpublish the proyer request for Anne Ebere to enable her make changes and publish the write up below. Thanks

By the grace of God almighty, October 8, 2008 I will be 46 years and have never been married before and no children, gave my life to christ in 1996.

I have been beliving and trusting Jehova God for a life partner and the gift of triplets as first pregnancy and twins as 2nd pregnancy.

Please join your faith with me and I strongly believe that this year 2008 will not pass me by.

Anne Nigerian

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I are struggling with our finance and are going through a difficult time. Please pray with me that Godmay continue to open doors for us. He has already given me a job, praise God.

Nyokabi from Kenya

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray with me in my search for a job - pray that the good Lord will open a door for me to get one real soon. Thanks Aku

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'm reading the list the right way up, but Anne you will be prayed for that you know the joy of a good husband and beautiful children.

My husband of 33 years became ill towards to the end of 2007, and sadly died two months ago. I love him so much and miss him so, but I know with my faith in the knowledge he is now healed and whole and with the Lord, I will come through this.

I am in need of prayer also because together we had a lot of debt which we had a plan in place to pay completely (over a long period). Now the banks to which my husband owed money in his sole name are pursuing me to settle the debts. I am so ashamed and, being retired, bearly have sufficient income to live on and pay towards my own debts. We had no capital and no insurance so I need a mighty miracle to change the minds of these banks or I shall face bankruptcy. I don't know where to turn, except with repentance to turn to the Lord.

I see another post now from Nyokabi, and pray that she and her husband will find the right financial solutions also.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like some prayers for my relationship with Don that it be blessed and lead to a happy and fulfilling marriage ...if it be God's will.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gill, I will pray for you to have help with your finances and be able to grieve for your husband, I will ask God for strength for you.
My prayer request is for the doctors to find out why I am so tired and to help me find a schedule that allows me to spend time with my grandson. I also pray to be able to see my grandson that was born in January of 2008. My husband needs to know the Lord and accept Jesus as his Savior. I need peace with my medical restrictions
I also pray for the right home for my grandson. he has been with me since he was born.He is 7 and his Mom is trying to make a hime for him, but not mentally or financially able.

Blogger Melissa said...

My prayer is to grow closer to the lord, as I have drifted away, I need to get back into studying the word of god and praying like I used to.
Also, I have a prayer for my sister in law, that she would strighten up her life in alot of areas.

Melissa From Ky

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello.Love to you all.Prayer is food for my soul..I love the way it makes one feel so close to God..embraced by such loving arms..I'll pray and pray...
Need/Payer request:Finanial breakthrough
I need to urgently be able to buy myself a laptop but an even bigger need is a house.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like prayer for myself and colleagues at work as we start a Thursday noon meeting to have corporate prayer on behalf of the United States of America. This nation is desperate for Godly leaders and its time for God's Saints to step up to the plate. I would like prayer for God's preparation and especially where hearts are concerned and the pulling down of the strongholds of fear, religion and tradionalism as we pray.

In Christ
Felicia from GA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my sister and brother-in-law. He has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. Pray for wisdom, strength, courage, and the peace that only God can provide.

Thank you.
Betty from Maine

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray for your brother-in-law. You are right the only one to give them the strength and peace that they need is our Lord!!

Please pray for my families finances...and for the country's economy. I am not sure how we will heat our home this winter as our monthly heating bills will be doubling as so many others are too. It is a scary time for many.
Kim from PA

Blogger Sharon Sloan said...

Would you kindly pray for a sibling in Christ's heart to soften toward me, that walls would come down, God's bridges would be built and that Truth would be the victor. Unity in Him as we serve Him. For His glory.

Thank you!

Blogger Sharon Sloan said...

PS -- I already have "Dear Jesus", so if Mr. Random Guy happens to pick my number, it would be my joy to give it to the person above me for whom I am praying! Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how God works....I have never needed prayers more than today! I'm married to a man who is a wonderful husband and father but who has an addiction. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and he and his three brothers and sisters all off some sort of addiction. Although he is very functional with his addiction after 15 years of marriage God has laid it my heart that it is time for me to step up to the plate an help him see that he is really placing this addiction before God and his family. So I pray for the wisdom to handle this the way God leads me and I pray that my husband's heart will be open to God's leading. I also pray that God will put someone in his live that can help guide him as he is surrounded by friends and family that all have addictions.
Thank you for the prayers!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is to be able to write the book God has called me to write. I need direction in organizing all the things I have written down so far. I know I need to take steps each day to work on this book but at times I feel paralyzed by it all. Thanks Renee for your posts about your book...this day was the first I clicked on your blog and was amazed to see you talking about writing! LISA I will most certainly be in prayer concerning your husband and the addiction you both are facing. I will pray for you to have a heart of discernment and to be able to speak the truth in love. I will pray that God will create in your husband the desire to turn from his addiction and for the power to do so. I will continue to speak the name of Jesus over the both of you and for victory assured. Prayerfull, Rosemary

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jesus,
I pray for Sharon and her sibling that are having issues. Soften their heart towards her. Cover them with your love. Heal wounds that only you can do. Guide them in their relationship. Break every barrier down so that You would receive Glory and Honor and Praise. Thank you for what you will do. I pray for Unity among these siblings. I know first hand after my brother and I lost both of our parents a year apart, one disagreement started separating us. You brought us back together stronger than ever. You continue to keep us strong. Strengthen their bond and give them confindence in trusting You for this outcome.

In Jesus' name,

Please pray for me as a third grade teacher that I would be the teacher God desires of me. It is my mission field. My family, and my brother's family
: ) are traveling to the beach on Saturday. Pray that God will bless our time as siblings. Pray that our bond would be stronger for each member of this family and that God would be at the center of our relationship at all times. Also, please pray for a friend of mine named Michelle. She has some inner ear problems. She has been to many specialists in Chicago and none have given her any hope. It seems that she is losing her hearing and there isn't anything that can be done for about 10 years because the procedures are still in research. She has trouble walking because of the equilibrium part of her ears. She has good days and bad. Pray that those crystals would go away and her hearing would be restored.

Thank you,
Sheri from Tennessee

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to pray for others and often feel a little timid asking for prayer for myself. I was reminded of the scripture that a three braided cord is difficult to break--my prayer partner, Jesus and me make an unbeatable team. As a member of the Body of Christ, I need to be healed and restored to fullfill the calling God has on my life. Please pray for a complete healing of mind, body and emotions with emphasis on a restoration for the body.
Thank you for your agreement and may God open the windows of heaven and pour down on you a blessing so large you can not contain it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello enjoyed your devotion so much today. always enjoy all of them . my name is jeannie cook I live in livermore, ca. i would like you to pray for my son Aaron and his wife Hollie and their marriage. they have two children, chaila, 9 and little Aaron 7, my grandchild who are my crowns. they have been having trouble for the last year, up and down. they need Jesus. Hollie used to go to church and stopped a year ago, she was baptized going to bible study and then when Aaron went sobber a year ago she started really changing, she stop going to church . she also works from my husband, Craig and I. He work is not where it should be either. She is planning to drive to San diego with a friend on Wed the 23th to a movie review of a new movie coming out named Twilight. it is a romance which involves Vampires. She has read the books that are out. this is not anything we want her to participate in. i have also called kenneth copeland mininstires and CBN, 700 club for agreement and prayer that God would block this, and he knows the right way to do that. Aaron and Hollie need restoration in their marriage, healing in their hearts, living for God and helping others. I spoke to our Son last night and he does not like to talk about it much but he did a little to me and is hurting. he says his wife does not care about him . of course he needs to change big time in his attitude. but my hope is in God and i know he is working in our behalf and is the faithful one. And his promises are all yes and amen. thank you so much. Love jeannie

Blogger Jill Beran said...

What a wonderful illustration - it is a privilege to lift sisters in prayer. My prayer is for my family to soften their hearts towards Christ and realize faith is not the same as religion. Also that I would walk the walk God has called me to, even when it means stepping out of my comfort zone and not getting the approval of those closest to me who don't understand.
Jill from IA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the mother of 2, step mother of 2, and "adopted" mother of 3. My husband is a cancer survivor, with God's grace, and I suffer with CREST Syndrome. My prayer request is for my step son Chris F, who is recovering from a shoulder reconstruction and the new daddy of Daniel, born with Downs Syndrome and evidence of FAS and cocaine in his system at birth. The mother, Tricia, is barred from contact with them until she completes court ordered rehab. Until then, we must deal with the lawyers, courts, and child protective services as well as provide a home for Chris and Daniel.
I would also like to ask prayer for my son Chris B, who is so angry at God for taking his grandparents. His anger bleeds over into his family (his beautiful wife Sabrina, step son Gabriel who has Autism, and his daughter Autumn). He has been unable to hold a job in years and has severe ulcers and hemroids, which bleed profusely at times. His wife has epilepsy.
Each of my family members come to me to "vent" or to help them with their problems. They have no idea the stress they are causing me and their dad, despite our attempts to tell them. My CREST has flared to the extent that I must now go part time at work (as a hospice chaplain).
Please pray with me for miracles and for strength, for God to shed his light and drive out the darkness that is surrounding my family.
Thank you and God Bless You,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jill,
I share your prayer request for your family and stand with you at the throne of grace for each child, for each person to be bathed in light - a light that banishes the darkness and brings truth. May the Lord sustain you in your positive witness and be a source of JOY!!
In Faith,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my friend and neighbor, Angela. She has stopped going to church and tithing because
she feels people are not real. She is saved but can't seem to get out of this spiritual rut that she has
found herself in. Thank you in advance for your prayers. I remain
in His love. JoeAnne Howard

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly from Valdese,NC

My oldest son Drew is leaving to go to Japan for an entire year as a missionary (he is 23) I am so blessed but yet I will need strength to not allow missing him dearly to get me down! My middle son Daniel has been on a summer trip to Japan and will return to Iowa on July 29 where he attends college and my youngest son Billy is a preaching minister in Missouri. Pray that I could visit with my two sons soon....empty nest is difficult.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is that I will "Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." (Eph 6:7). I am struggling with my job as my true desire is to be a Stay at Home Mom. So, my prayer request is also that if it is God's will, I will be provided the resources to stay at home with my two girls.

I am Jennifer and I live in Northeast Ohio.

Blogger cceeyore said...

JoeAnn ... I will pray for you and your neighbor.

For me, the prayer request is complex. I am unable to work because of back surgery I had back in December. Most mornings, it is all I can do to get up. My husband returned to his old job so he could make a little more money to support the three of us. We are still struggling to make ends meet every month. We are not actively involved in a church right now, but we are actively searching for a church to call "home". Both my husband and I have deep wounds that we are both trying to heal from past friendships gone awry. Please pray for me, for healing so I can return to work and earn some money if that is God's will. Please pray for our financial struggles, that God will stretch the money we have to cover everything that has to be paid. Also, please pray for the relationship between my mother and I. It is very strained and only seems to get worse during each conversation.

Thanks ladies for praying! And Renee ... thanks for orchestrating this prayer chain!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila, Joy comes in the morning...
Father thank YOU for Sheila,her love for YOU,her family,and your daughters.Thank YOU for giving her the strength,the wisdom,& the peace for now & days to come.Thank You,Father that Sheila KNOWS as a Chaplin,(what an amazing calling),how to bring a prayer to Your throne,Lay them at Your feet & LEAVE THEM THERE in confidence You will handle each request with YOUR Divine answer to each one !!!
Thank you Father for each Sister HERE.Thank YOU that each need is met YOUR WAY ,each heart inspired to do YOUR will,each one comforted by Your amazing way,as only YOU can know all. Thank YOU father for discernment,wisdom,peace,joy,a repentant heart,a desire to serve one another,a longing to be NEAR & close to YOU,a greater desire to be in,discern & do YOUR will. As for my prayer request,i don't even know where to start. We have been out of church for a while,(not seeming to fit),Finances are pretty tight,(we homeschool,but i have put in a job application),there are some things God has spoken to my heart,i just have no idea where to even get started anymore with things i believe He has called me to do. Peace in Christ !!! Love & Live in hope!, miki,just outside of Memphis

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello friend,
My prayer request is for my upcoming marriage. I am accused by doubt and constantly worrying in the midst of wanting to love my fiance and plan our wedding. I am sometimes overwhelmed to the point that it is hard to speak. I really desire for both of us to focus on the Lord, but it has become very difficult to do so. Also, please pray specifically for my relationship with my fiance. We are learning what it means to communicate with one another in truth and love. Please pray for him as well during this time.
Thank you!
Danielle- Albany, NY

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the devotion today & am excited about joining forces with y'all in prayer! Danielle, you will be bathed in it, sister!!

My mother-in-law is having some health problems right now & needs a touch from the Great Physician. She is struggling with numerous issues (physical & emotional) all at once. As you pray for her, please also pray for wisdom for us, as a family, to know how best to pour love out on her. Thank you (in advance) to the sister who lifts this one up to the Father!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank God for knowing ur husband`s test result and for women worldwide to pray.ur husband`s sickness is not unto death because the lord will perfect that which concerns him.

Dear all and especially Tonya,

in 1 kings 19 the story is told about Elijah hitting a rough spot. Especially verses 11-13 are powerful to me. God wants to see Elijah (Elijah will have to step out first) and finally shows himself not in thunder or fire, but in a quiet breeze. When I read about the life of Jesus and how God communicates with us I find it amazing how it is in the tiny and small that most can be found.

I pray that you and your family will experience this also!Peace, balance, harmony and (emotional) healing will be on my mind for you Tonya.

As for my prayer request... it's a simple and mundane one. I would love to get my household a bit more organised (good enough will do, doesn't have to be perfect)and get back into a rhythm of just maintaining. After a baby and a move, it is so hard to keep it from being untidy and not so clean. Whilst I know I can accomplish so much more and be more of me, if the house would be okay. Now it is just pulling me away from time with God and it demotivates me in much I (want to) do, not to mention the grumpy moods and overwhelming sulking I seem to get into. Rationally I know, but it feels likes I am being pulled down and can't beat it. Please pray for courage and willingness to surrender and trust God. Thanks.


Eefje from the Netherlands

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my ACTUAL HEART. I have had an EKG, treadmill test and a nuclear stress test this month and am waiting for the results of the last test. My heart rate is too high for my age (40's)and fitness level (good). Thanks, Melanie from Florida.

Blogger Monica said...


What a great idea to have women praying for each other from all over the world! It will be wonderful to see how God will move through each one of us as we pray.

My prayer is to be able to attend seminary as a full-time student and begin building my own business/ministry. God has called me to develop a Christian life-coaching business and to write books and Bible studies for women. He has laid it on my heart to educate, edify and encourage women through the process of spiritual transformation so that they may discover, embrace and celebrate who they are in Christ.

I really want to do this now and want to have the freedom to work for myself vs working for someone else.

I pray that each woman who responds to these prayers is blessed in a mighty way.

Thanks again for starting this!

Monica from Williamsburg, VA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your prayers.

I am asking that each of you will pray for strength, guidance, love and a closer relationship with God. I want to use by God like near before, I want to stop thinking about Kimberly and think about God, his goodness, kindness love and how I can be a blessing to someone else. I also, pray that I understand his will/purpose for my life and that I will walk in the direction he wants me to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not messing up the groove here, but I must respond to Eefje (who is praying for my request). I, too, had a baby & moved...OH MY!!! I have never had such a mess & it is so hard to get it in order with a baby! It sounds like your situation is so similar to mine - I was stunned as I read your post! I know you will have another sister praying for you, but I will be praying for you, too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 13 year old daughter is 4 states away from us at her first youth camp. My prayer request is that they make it home safely this weekend. They are traveling Saturday and Sunday. We have been blessed with such great girls and thank God all the time for them.

Thank you for your prayers,
Cindy in Texas

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my marriage. My husband and I have been married for nearly 10 years and have a delightful 4-year old daughter. We have struggled over the past several years with communicating and meeting each others needs. Please pray that God will rekindle a spark in our marriage and that we both will be open to His leading. Pam

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a jewelry business that has not been doing...well, or good as I think it should or what it used to be with sales. I have been praying to God for success and I know He is the only answer to my every need and when that does not happen I start getting doubts as to why this is happening. My simple mind does not understand why I cannot have the successful sales I had in the past, or why the gal that says she will have a party never answers me back. Then I think maybe I should just abandon this idea of sales. And then I think what would I do with my life I am so lonely now if I did that I would not even have a life. I sound like a pitiful person when I think of all the trouble of everyone else and major problems of health, money problems, etc. this is stupid and selfish to feel this way, but I cannot help it. I love the thought of someone praying for me and me praying for someone I need that connection. Until then I continue to pray and hope I will not lose hope for without hope Or God what is there in life. I love this blog.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

l want prayers for my children and l for God lifting.
Blessing from Nigeria

Blogger Veggienetters said...

Dear sweet Jesus, please wrap your arms around Melanie and let her know you are there with her every moment of every day. Father strengthen her heart and let her heart rate return to normal. Calm her anxious spirit. Amen.

Please pray that God would send a strong Christian woman into my life to keep me on track-- a confidant-- a mentor. I don't know where to go or what to do with myself at this point, so I could use her advice and her support right now. Also, please remember my father as he was laid off for his job of 28 years and is struggling to go to college. His math classes are extremely difficult for him and he is growing depressed. My mother-in-law has the beginning stages of Alzheimers and her memory is going quickly. Help the family know how to care for her and for me to know how support my husband through this time.

Blogger Unknown said...

I would like prayer for my illness to finally have a diagnosis so that we can know how to treat it.

I go for another MRI on Monday and need prayer just to get through that test! It's an open MRI but I am claustrophobic and require meds to do it. This MRI is of my spine.

We are ruling out or confirming Asian Multiple Sclerosis and/or Devic's Syndrome and/or related disorders.

Thank you!
Lisa R.

Blogger Chef Diane said...

The is a great idea. My name is Diane, from Chesterfield, VA.
Prayer request: that I might understand why I am going through a divorce.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter Hannah graduated in May from a Christian university with an elementary education teaching degree. Years ago, she felt God calling her to teach in His kingdom. She has applied and interviewed for teaching positions in various Christian schools with no success. She is contemplating teaching in the public schools, but jobs are scarce. Hannah has medical conditions (spina bifida, diabetes) which make health insurance a must. Her benefits expire November 30th. She is confused (Why did I earn a teaching degree if I cannot find a position?) and scared (What will I do for medical care when my benefits run out?) and hurt (What is wrong with me that no one will hire me?). Please pray that the Lord will guide her to the place He has intended her to be all along, and that He will grant her trust and patience in the waiting. Thank you, and may God bless you! Debbie

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am recently divorced, real estate agent with no other source of income. I have been working just over a year and have only managed to close 3 deals, 2 of which were rentals. I need my business to start producing a steady income that will support me and children. Please pray the business starts to take off and I begin to make a steady flow of income. Laura – Germantown, MD

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my prayer is to be restored to my children and my brother and sisters. also for a car. thank you kelly

Blogger mandymore2007 said...

My prayer request is that my 11 month old daughter had a bladder infection and now the doctor wants her to have some testing done at the hospital to make sure that there is nothing more wrong with her. I understand the necessity of this but the testing is painful and we have to wait until August first to even take her. I am just praying that all the testing will go well and she will not suffer any pain. I also pray that nothing would be wrong with her and that my family and I would not worry about it as worry is not from God!

Blogger Lynda said...

My prayer request is for my family to have faith in God, knowing that he will never leave us or forsake us and that he is the Great Physician. My husband was diagonsed 2 years ago with bladder cancer, it is superficial, not invasive. He has to check up every 3 months, he had his check on Tuesday and there are 2 small spots. He has to do a scrapping on 8/15/08. We ask your prayers that all will be well, I am confident that God will take control, my faith is strong, but it will be even stronger knowing my girl friends are praying with me and walking with me. Lynda, New York

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband passed away suddenly last summer, leaving me with a business to run and three children at home. The struggles of keeping it all together for the sake of my kids is overwhelming!

Please help me pray for guidance in how to run the business that my husband ran so well, and for peace to relieve the stress and worry.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my brother who left traditional Christianity for a false religion that claims to have all the answers. He suffers from alot of depression and doesn't feel like God loves him anymore.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my marriage. We are having a difficult time. My husband has talked about how things would be better for our family (we have 2 toddlers) if he left (as his father did). He has reached the end of his rope of self and I believe he is at the point that God has brought him to in order to realize how great his need for Christ is. I know he is on the edge of doing great and mighty things for the kingdom of God and is in a tremendous warfare right now. We have just started seeing a wonderful christian counselor and he has committed to continue. I am praying for him to build godly friendships too.
Thank you!!! Jennifer in Florida

Blogger Christine G. said...

I have three children under the age of 11. My 39 year old husband began having health problems last year and it is continuing to get worse. The doctors are not sure what it is - possibly some neuro-degenerative disease. We are scared, uncertain of the future and it is so frustrating for him to lose simple abilities as every day goes by. I would pray for healing for my husband, but more than that - the peace and comfort that God can give me and my family.

Blogger MrsProverbs31 said...

Renee, you always tell the best stories. What a wonderful encouragement. You know if that was me hearing Steven called for help, I would've probably go to his father and took the fussing baby. I'm afraid of heights and bridges, and yes, glass elevators too.

Anyhow, here's my prayer request: As always I am struggling with financial issues. I am looking for a permanent job while getting my ministry of the ground. I'm not sure if working is the answer. I'm just doing my part-looking for the job. Pray that if it is His will then He will provide a job for me. If not, then for Him to increase my quilting account in ways I do not see.

Thank you for your prayers. Shoua

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My nephew, Chris has had a difficult year. His wife Megan has been taking off and leaving him to care for the kids [including work days] most of the time. Now that Chris has finally asked for custody of the kids; She is fighting mad and scheming to get full custody herself. [She got a restraining order against him, and had, by police involvement based on him hitting her, gotten the kids, so Chris couldn't see the kids for 3 weeks. Wednesday he was acquitted of all her accusations and in the emergency custody hearing was only given partial custody of the kids. He's discouraged that the judge [who'll be the eventual one in the final hearing on custody] did not do much listening and didn't seem to much care. We, his larger family are concerned about the hi possiblity of drug use. Will she use child support money to go on her binges on the weekend when Chris has the kids? Can she get them from her neighbor during the week? If so maybe drug testing would work, but if only on the weekends? The judge said there wasn't enough evidence of all she was doing [& of course of the drug possibility]; and we don't know how we can come up with more evidence than we already have. Meantime Chris is in construction - way down in FL, he has no money, and his car blew up. He has no car for work [except temporarily for a few weeks]. He's extremely discouraged and he needs God, but is he ready to recieve him? Pray for the evidence we need IF Megan isn't serious about taking GOOD care of the kids [because they need both Mom and Dad], and for God to provide for Chris and draw him to Himself.
Sharon Beasley

Blogger Shannon said...

WOW, just read through all of the prayers. I will lift each one up as a whole to our heavenly Father, and when I post will mention the one above me individually! Oh the power of prayer....

First, for our decisions on church. We are lifetime Lutherans, but are looking for more. So pray as we search for another church whereever that might be....

Also, I have been on a search for the last few years on what I should do with my life. As I look back, I see how God has grown me to where I am today. It has beena journey of preparing me. I have a heart for missions, adoption, I just like to care for those hurting in general. I have finally discovered what I think God is calling me/us to do. Open a set of houses for foster care/adoption. Go to for further info. I have grown, God has shown me the perfect place to do this. There is an existing house, that part of it burned yesturday. But God spared the main house. I believe it was Him! So my prayer request is that I will follow through without hesitation on starting a non profit. That part scares me. There is alot of paperwork involved. Money involved that I don't have much of. But I have a great Faith that God already has those things in place, and if I am meant to do this, it will go without a hitch.....Also pray for my mom. She has faith, but doesn't take steps to grow it. I would like for her to join me on this journey. So please pray that if it is God's will, she will be ready to join me. (my husband is ready. He said that it is obviously something God is calling me to do, who am I to argue with God?)

sorry so long winded....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been separated for almost 3 years. He left me and wants no part in trying to reconcile the marriage, but will not file for divorce. He says still being legally married isn't impacting anything he wants to do and he just can't be bothered to deal with all the legal stuff. I have struggled with filing as I truly believe that marriage is "for better for worse, till death do you part". I have rationalized the situation in my mind; however, I just have not been able to go through with the process myself. I continue to pray that God will heal my marriage, but after 3 years I am beginning to lose hope. I feel like I can't move forward with my life until something changes. I need direction from God as to whether I should continue to "hold on" or take steps to "move on". Please pray that I receive that guidance, and if the answer is that it is time for me to file those papers, please pray that God provides me with the strength to get through it. Thanks so much! Suzanne- Lutz, FL

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Cece and I live in California. I have a request for prayer for my nephew who just recently just received the Lord. We took him to the men's recovery home through our church he is kicking drugs. Please keep him in your prayers because he is not happy being there and is wanting to leave. We have been praying that he won't leave his life is in physical danger he angered some people(drug dealers) and they will probably retaliate. His mother recently received the Lord as well. Their names are Armando and Marie. Thank you for your prayers.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am dealing with a lot. I have been separated for 4 months after finding out my husband cheated on me. My whole world has come crashing down, and I just don't undestand God through this. Please pray He draws me near to Himself as I realize my dreams of a family are not going to least not right now. As I prepare to make decisions, that God would dispell the fear and help me to hold fast to Him. That when Satan's attacks come, God will help me to stand strong. And all the time that I am weary, He will provide peace and rest. Thank you. -W

Blogger Pinkshoelady said...

Hi Ladies,
Shannon, I will keep you and your family in prayers as God leads you in this new journey.

It is so God that you, Renee, started this today. My husband and I interviewed Tuesday night as a Pastor of a new church start. The meeting went beyond what we could have anticipated.
This morning we got a call from the chair of the committee. One of the ladies we had interviewed with was in a horrible car accident.
Her sister died in the accident and she is in the trauma unit of a large hospital. Her 16 year old grandaughter was also in the accident and has several broken bones.
Please pray for this family and small church family as they minister to each other. Pray for our new friend/sister Judy and her grandaughter Britney to recover fully. And selfishly pray for my husband as he goes and ministers to both families even though he has not yet been called to be their pastor. It was what we both wanted him to do right away. They called him because they had no pastor to call. Pray God will be glorified.
After the call my first prayer was how can I get as many people praying as I can.
Thanks to God for this post Renee! And thank you for whoever comes behind me!

Pamela R. South Carolina

Blogger Leah said...

Pamela I will be praying for you all who are involved. This is such a wonderful idea. It is amazing how God can use blogs to bring people together who don't know each other. We can pray for each other...across the miles even. Thanks for that avenue Renee.

My prayer request is for my mom. She discovered she had kidney cancer in March. Thankfully, she had a bladder infection that did not go away that required further tests. It was then, that the cancer was found. She had very successful surgery to remove the one kidney and the tumor. The doctor's were amazed at how well she did. We know who was responsible for that...God! The cancer had spread to some spots on her lungs. She is going through a treatment called interlukin 2. She did well through that, too. We are now 2 weeks away from finding out if that treatment is working. It has been a tough wait and the day of the scan will be really hard. We know that if the scan shows improvement it is all from God and we want to give HIM the glory. My mom and I are very close and the thought of losing her is tough to think about. By the way, my mom became a believe through this experience. Praise! Thank you to whoever may be praying for my mom. Sorry for the long entry...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read all of your posts and I am moved by many of them. I hear so much pain and grief in many of your posts. I can identify with several. Fist of all, Renee - my first husband, Tony(long story - I'm on my third marriage and what a blessing from God!)had the same thing only he never had any symptoms until he needed to have his spleen removed. All was ok until 4 yrs after his surgery, he had a blood clot and died.
So Gill, I understand your greif. I've danced with greif over the ten years since Tony died. I became angry and in need of forgiveness from God--which is always there IF we ask!!
My second marriage, which lasted a year, was to an alcoholic. So I can identify with Lisa who is in a family of addictions. For me, I found sweet relief from being in worship at a local Celebrate Recovery group. BUT... I didn't find a way to "cure" my husband, but that I had issues myself. I countinue to work on my grief, my anger, my self-esteem and my perfectionistic issues every Friday night in our worship time and our accountability group. My second husband died after a short bout with cancer. We had become friends again and we were able to reconsile the week before he died.
My current and 3rd husband, Dennis is a gift from God. He is every thing I was searching for. We've been married 1 1/2 years. Last fall, he began his dream of becoming a pastor and began taking classes online. He has a bad back and had to quit his job. He's applied for disability, but still has 30-45 days to wait for the next step. In the meantime, I had a good job, but it was very stressful. I was relieved of that job 3 weeks ago. Amazing how God answers prayers at times! :)

I said all that to get to my prayer requests...
*Please pray that I will receive unemployment or that I will find a job this next week. We have little money left. I am confident that God will provide for us, but you know Satan likes to tempt me with the thought of," But what if God's timing is off?"
*Please pray for my husband that he will receive disability soon so that he can feel that he contributes to our income situation.
*please pray for me that I can continue to learn how to be a supportive pastors wife. I know that some people will think that I'm not fit to hold that place because of my past.
*please pray for our Celebrate Recovery ministry as it is a small group and I know there are many people in this area that need help dealing with life's issues.
*Also, please pray for my daughter Jennifer and her daughter, Toni Renee, that they can be together again. (She's named after her grandpa!)
*Please pray for my son, Bryan, who will be moving in mid-August and getting married in mid-September.
*both of my children were raised going to church and were baptised in the Christian faith, but have walked their own path. I pray that God will GENTLY bring them back to Him so that they can finally have some peace in their lives.

It seems I could go husband's family is mostly Jehovah's Witnesses. Pray for their "awakening to the truth."
Dennis has one daughter he has not seen or heard from in over 17 years. I pray daily that she will be open to meeting or talking to him soon.

*Lynda - I will be praying for you & your family, for healing for your husband and for the grace to accept whatever lies ahead for you.

Forgive me for being so long winded. I've been told I should write a book.

My name is Sonia and I'm a grateful follower in Jesus Christ my Lord. Emporia, Ks
I can be reached at

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is that the Lord will save my two sons from the streets and lead them to church. Help them to become better fathers to their children.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Renita I sent the request about my two sons.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the lovely sister who comments after me, I apologize. This doesn't make sense to me, so I hope the Spirit of God enlightens you to pray as you ought. ;-)

I am SO tempted to ask for prayer about something else (anything else) but the one thing I know I need above all else is to REALLY connect with God in a personal way. I am saved, but I don't feel that relationship...

That must sound depressing.... But I have an obnoxiously blessed and useful life! He leads, and teaches, and blesses me abundantly, but I experience my Christian life in terms of "wife" and "mom" and "daughter" and "friend" and "women's ministry leader" but almost never as just "His."

Without regard to any way I might be useful to others, I would like to imagine that I could bring Him enjoyment by just existing as His.

I would like to feel like He loves me, and not just know it. And, come to think about it, I want to feel like I love Him, and not just know it.

There is a lot that can be known about God, and He has taught me so much; I feel like the safer road would be to just be thankful and content with what I have...

I think it is EXTREMELY risky to ask for what I am asking. Because if, for some reason, He doesn't want me to feel what I am asking to feel (i.e. experience what I want to experience) then I will be devastated.

That is where the doubt comes in. Is the book done yet, Renee? ;-)

(Since I just won the last drawing, if I get picked again, give the book to the lady I'm praying for who commented just before me.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my family. We have some hard issues with my 18 year old daughter that is getting harder and harder to deal with. We are having to use tough love and I just don't know how much longer I can deal with this. We've recently moved and my friends have forgotten me or it seems like it. Thanks, Janet for Batesville

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request:
I have a cold that has hung on now for a week. I am physically exhausted and not sleeping well at night. I have a 2 and 4 year old I am trying to keep up with during the day...
And being physically exhausted is hard because I am going into a tough counseling session on Monday afternoon. I am working through some difficult issues of sexual abuse in my past, and am fearful of facing them, and the emotions associated with them.
The physical exhaustion means that right now I have low emotional reserves as well, and I am afraid of being overwhelmed by those emotions as I start to grieve through the things that happened.
Thank you for praying,
Heather from WI

Blogger Christy said...

please help us pray for God's provision for my husband's business. bills are piling high, expenses are high, and customers are not paying their bills. we've been in a constant struggle of barely making ends meet for a couple of years. please pray that we will be able to open a new store soon, that the landlord will approve the lease negotiation, and we can provide a steady income for our family.

west memphis, ar

Blogger Debra said...

Thank You Renee for your blog today.
First off I will pray for Jeannie because we live in the same town!
I also pray for Heather from Wi.
I ask that you would pray for me to help me continue in the perservance with prayer and also to get over my hestitation and build my confidence in writing.
Thank You and Blessings
Debra in Livermore

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,
I will pray for you this week that our loving Father will strengthen you, both physically and emotionally. I pray that the counseling session will bring total healing and that God's love will envelope you and comfort you.

My prayer request is for my 17 yr. old daughter. She needs healing from a sexual abuse that occurred 2 years ago and she needs salvation most of all. She grew up in church but for the last few years she has decided that she does not believe in God anymore. Please pray for her salvation and healing.

Thank you for your prayers,

Trish from VA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have moved to a new area and am invited to a housewarming party at a new non-christian friend's house... please pray for this great opportunity and new contacts..

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i need your prayers for GODS will in my life and that he remove the fear that has kept me bound for so long, im 56 and never been married been saved for 20 yrs almost and i live a life completely pure in my mind body and soul but i would like to be married, it is my desire even now so pray for me

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also afraid of heights. I don't let it stop me, but just last week I toured a new home. My nephew was building it and we had to walk across a landing that was on the second floor. There were no rails yet. I pressed against the wall as I walked from one side to the other, but my heart was pounding. I love your story, because I understand what it took to do it. I love that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ask for prayer for my husband to get a job and my daughter, Jennifers financial situation. I also ask for prayer for my son, Matt, who is a Marine, that God would be with him and keep him safe.

Blogger Unknown said...

My prayer request is for unsaved family members who continue to travel down a road that only leads to distruction of having a life in eternity with God. It is most heart renching to watch them on this path.
I found your blog thu Encouragement for Today.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of everything, the one I'd like to mention as my prayer request is for my husband's job. He got laid off a year ago, and was only out of work for a day and a half, HOWEVER, it is not exactly using his talent and ability. This weekend, he's working out of town at a special event, and there may be an opportunity for a promotion.

St. Petersburg, Fl

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I opened my email today, which is Encouragement for Today, I began crying, for I believe in my heart that the Lord is speaking to my heart. First, I pray that everyone who has made a comment on this page has their prayers answered. I did not complete reading all of them, but know that you all are in my prayers. Please pray that my husband and I can get our finances in order. The bible says we are to own no man but to love him. This is our goal. It is difficult as I am on disability, & he lost his job. So please hold us up in prayer, for the prayers of the rightous avails much. God bless

Blogger God is faithful said...

I thank my heavenly Father for his greatness. Renee, may the Lord blees you for being obedient in requesting that others post in this prayer chain. God knows all of the hurts/burdens and attacks that his children have been facing. The enemy is hard at work.

But the God we serve wants us to remember that we are not alone. We serve a faithful God who knows all things, even those we are not sharing. With that said, I would like to request prayer for myself individually. I have not been as faithful and obedient as I should be and God has been showing me in the past couple of weeks that I need to surrender ALL areas of my life to HIM!

Please pray that I will be obedient in placing Him as the center of my life and being disciplined in seeking HIM daily and also in loving others the way HE loves us. Also pray for my marriage as my husband is pretty much ready to walk out because of anger issues and me being a "control freak" (due to issues from the past).

Debra in Livermore know that I am praying for you and can't wait to see what the Lord will be doing with all of these request.

God Bless you all!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Renee I am happy to hear that you husband got good news on his test results. Praise God!!. My prayer request is that I continue to trust and seek the Lord, in what's to come in my life, and believe and have the hope that he will bring me my husband.

Blogger Terri said...

I would like prayer for courage. My family (husband and 3 kids) and I have just relocated to another city and I want to be courageous to look for opportunities to make friends and bless others. Also wisdom as I am putting full time work on the back burner to be a stay at home mom for the first time.
Thanks, Terri

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer is that I will get out of this dry season of my life. Every desire to read the word and pray have just dried up. Fear has ingulf me like never before, and I know better, because God did not give me the spirit of fear. But these days for me, knowing and walking it have being two different things. Thank for your prayers, Maxine San Antonio, Tx

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 21-year-old daughter has returned home with her 2 1/2-year-old son. She is in the middle of a divorce from an abusive husband. She met him when she ran away from home on her 18th birthday. She came back home seemingly repentant for what she had done, and said that she was different now. We agreed to help her through the divorce and help her with caring for our grandson. The only real difference that we have noticed in the past two months is that she now has a son. She is a good mother, when she is here. Therein lies the problem - she is supposed to be living here, but for the past week and a half, she has not slept one night at our house (her son has been with us). Apparently, her rebellious nature is in full swing. My husband had a talk with her last night and she left here really mad. They will be talking again later and rules laid down so that she has to spend the nights here. There is so much going on in this situation that I could easily fill a book telling you about it. I would like people to pray that my daughter's eyes will be opened to what she is doing, that she will have a submissive and gentle spirit, that she will listen to her father and me, and most importantly, that she will listen to what God is telling her.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to thank your Renee for allowing me onto this site. I know this site was sent by the Holy Spirit.
I would also like to have the ladies pray for me.
I am struggling with a husband of 30+ years that is caught up with sexual addictions on the internet. It has ruined our marriage and that hurts. I'm a Realtor in a slow market. I have been a Realtor for over 20+ years. I need the strengeth to find work as I am broke. My husband is not helping me financially anymore. Over the last couple of years I found out that as I was making money he was spending it as fast as I was putting it in the bank. Now that I have shut down that account. I am having a difficul time getting my strength back into the field. Please pray for my sanity as I made decisons as to what I should do. I am trusting God to show me a positive way to get back into the field and take care of me and my 15 year old daugher.
Thanking you in Advance for the comments and prayers.

Kay Porter

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading an email my friend sent me and I came across your website. I'm from Dinwiddie County (near Petersburg), VA. My wife packed her luggage and left in the truck with a guy to Tennessee (who has since left her) on 10 February 2008. I haven't talked to her in 12 days because she acts like we could get back together and then doesn't answer me when I ask her if she wants to come back to me. I think that she doesn't know what she wants. She's also with the first guy's brother and his family in Tennessee. I love her and I really would like for her to come back to me so that we can start over and be a family again. Please pray for us. God bless, Gerry.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for me Samuel and Joyce my wife for we have been praying that the good Lord will give us children in our marriage. we have been married for the past14 years but no children. Please pray for us.

Samuel(London UK)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer request- change of career for me. Divine Direction from the Holy Spirit and confirmation that I will know that this is the path God has for me now. Help with balance of all things in my life, body, and health.Thank you. Maria

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me begin by saying that the daily devotions have been a blessing, I am in need of prayer for my financial situation, I am going through a rough period, I am trying not to lose all I have worked for my home, my car, my bills, and I have a son in his second year of college, I know the Lord will provide and make a way, I just need someone to pray with me. I don't know what else to do besides pray. Thank You,
Tonya Allison, Milton, FL

Blogger Unknown said...

My mother-in-law, Audrey, has lung cancer and is now in a nursing home under hospice care. I have spoken and prayed with her about her faith in Jesus - she does believe that Jesus is her Savior and that she is going to heaven - please pray for her comfort - she is in a lot of pain - and also pray for her children, Willie, Charlie, and Susan. Please also pray for me (Leslie) and her other daughter-in-law, Ann that we may minister to her fruitfully in her last days. We do not know how much longer she will be with us.

Thank you for praying and may God Richly bless you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First i want to say that I am praying for you and your family.
My prayer request is that Ihave trouble with DOUBT and ANXIETY! Like right now I am leaving my church that I have been in for about 10 years.So please if you would pray for my main two things i try and deal with everyday i sure would appreciate it so very much!May GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!
My name is BECKY and i am from WELSH,LOUISIANA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found this site the other day, read Renee's personal story on prayer today and her blog. I have never asked for prayer from people I don't know but here goes. I am a single mom I am looking for another job that pays better because I am barely getting by. There are days when I am so tired trying to be strong for my kids, encouraging them to pursue their goals. All I do is work, come home, cook dinner go to bed. As I'm writing this I'm on the verge of tears because I am just so tired of trying to keep my spirits up. Please pray for me to keep trusting God that things will work out, to get a better job so I don't have to keep depending on my parents and to love myself.
Thank you,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently moved into a 3 bedroom townhouse thinking my 23 year old daughter and her two young babies were going to stay with me, well she has moved out. The financial burden is too much and I don't have the money too move again so I am locked in for the next year. I am really lonely, scared and worried. Please pray that God would provide a the right roommate and help me to move on with my life that I don't feel like I have. My name is Lynn from Chicago.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am asking for prayer for my sister Judy in Canada. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, and was 8 months short of 10 years of being cancer free. She was diagnosed again in September 07, and had to have a breast removed. She has recently gone for a bone scan, and they have requested for her to return and have it done again, but this time they would like to concentrate on her left rib cage, and back. The doctors' are hoping to see a clear scan, and nothing black, or any holes. My sister has not made the appointment, because she's afraid of the results, and so am I! I lost my dad 7 years ago from lung cancer, and I only have one sibling which is my sister Judy who I love, and couldn't imagine my life without. Could I humbly ask for your prayers for her that all her tests will come back positive, and that Our Heavenly Father will remove every cancerous cell in her body that we may have her around for a long time? Thank you, and please pray for me that God will grant me the strength and courage to walk this road with my sister no matter what the out come may be. God bless you all... Donna

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer request- change of career for me. Divine Direction from the Holy Spirit and confirmation that I will know that this is the path God has for me now. Help with balance of all things in my life, body, and health.Thank you. Maria

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a 13 month old daughter with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Our family is blessed to have her in our lives,she is a miracle.We have had a long journey to this point.
My prayer is to have God lead us to finding our "new normal".I also need prayer for my own heart to be filled again,because I have been totally zapped of everything due to the emotional rollercoaster we now ride.
God has carried us through so much,but I guess I am doubting how far he will take us.I am so scared of loosing our miracle.I have also caved to an attack of Satan and now have lots of guilt surrounding this sin.
I know the power of prayer.I have witnessed it with our daughter. The doctors told us she would not live,and if she did, she would not have a good quality of life.God had other plans!She is now thriving & completes our family!

Thank you Renee for this awesome idea,& thank you to my prayer sister! I will also be praying for not only the previous sister,but all who have requests.
Tina from Ohio

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer is amazing and here we are given a oppurtunity to serve our sisters in Christ.

I come before you and ask for prayer in the area of fear & anxiety, God's word tells us not fear anything and not be anxious of anything, the Lord has tested my faith with circumstances over the last 9 months, with health issues and the health of my loved ones, I also am in fear of God's second coming, fear I will be left behind, this fear has been within me since a small child, but it stems from my mother leaving the home when I was young, so I have a fear of abandoment and don't want to ever pass that on to my children, I don't want them to struggle in their faith. I have allowed my emotions and my thinking to dictate how my heart works and I'm done, I know this isn't what God has intended for my life and I just pray for strength to reclaim the deep desire I have for a UNSHAKEN FAITH, I pray also that my husband will be saved, going through what I have been through spiritually single is hard, but I persevere! I will be praying for everyone else and thanks Renee for your dedication to the body of Christ.

In Him,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for a perfectly healthy baby due to be born by a scheduled c section to my son & his wife today July 18th at 12:30 p.m. pacific time. I'm praying that perhaps she (it's a girl!) will be the catalyst to encourage them to change their lifestyle and live a healthier one.
Sallie in California

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am asking you to lift up my daughter, Abbie. She was wrongly accused of disorderly conduct after being attacked by another girl at a festival. We had to retain a lawyer (big bucks) but we need to get it off her record because she wants to become a nurse and this could interfere with future employment. I ask you to pray for vindication and victory for her. Thank you. Wendy

Blogger Kathy said...

Tina in Ohio, I'm lifting you and your family up before the Lord. (If you click on my name it should lead you to my email address; I'd love to hear from you!) My request is for the discernment and control to not run ahead of God but to be faithful in planting the seeds He wants me to and trust Him to do the rest.

Blogger Melissa said...

Please pray for this weekend for me!! I met a great guy and will be seeing him at work this weekend. Please pray for God to give us some time together so we can talk and get to know each other better!!
Please pray for our relationship and that God takes it where he wants to!! Thank you sooo much.


Blogger cautious1 said...

As I prepare to leave for my first ever mission trip to Guatemala on Tuesday, pray that God prepares my heart for whatever lies ahead. I ask for prayer for safe travels and that the health issues that I have been dealing with recently will not interfere with what God has in store for me, as well as our mission team.

Beth from Milwaukee, WI

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My request is for God to show me what I need to do or say as lately I feel 'attacked' by people I love and friends. This year has been a really tough one emotionally/physically and spiritually and I don't know if I am being overly sensitive or if I am to change myself in some way but the comments have cut to my heart. I am feeling depressed & worthless..

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my 17 year old daughter. She has always been a sweet, helpful, compliant, obidient and loving girl until about thr time she started Jr. High. Her grades started slowly slipping and now she is trying everything and announced she is not longer going to church. This breaks my heart. Not just for my daughter but for a generation that seems to all be going down the same path. Lady's please join me in prayer for our kids. Let's pray that they see God for who He is and that they come to know that what they are looking for can only be found in Jesus!!!! Please help me pray for wisdom in guiding my daughter during this time in our lives. Blessings! Claudia

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, I have a prayer request if someone has a few minutes to listen to my story.We live in Tenn near the Smoky Mountains.We've always wanted to live here we visiting on vaction many times. We've been here 5 years and it has been nothing but a finacial struggle.Work here is so hard to come by let's just say ethics is a big part of it.My husband is a very responable man when it comes to working he held his job for 12 years in Fl.We own a small bussiness that is barely staying a float.We need prayer for our finacial burdens.Our family is in florida and we am ready to move back.We need Gods guidance for for our struggle it's been 5 years we are ready for relief. God never gives us more than he knows we can handle, God answers prayers and keep praying this is what we hold onto daily and I read proverbs 31 daily(for about 3 weeks now)

Thanks for reading and God Bless ya'll Bhutch

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is that after 21 years of marriage and now with 3 teenagers, my husband will see the need to help with our finances instead of hoarding it all away in case of an "emergency". I foot most of the bills.

Blogger Brandee said...

My prayer request is that as I go into the end of July and first of August that God will show me everyday what I need to focus on that day. This summer I have taken over as the MOPS Coordinator for our church and all the responsibilities of that new position on top of taking care of my family is having an impact on my health and my relationships. My husband is concerned that I am not placing MOPS second to my son. Trying to keep a four year old entertained, that will not play by himself and does not nap, is wearing me out and I am overwhelmed by my to-do list right now. Please pray for balance in my life and that I will lean on Him and ask Him, "God, what do I need to do today? Not tomorrow, just today?" My verses I am clinging too right now are Matthew 6:33-34, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Thank you my praying sister. God bless you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be a God thing that Tina's request is above mine. I have a HUGE heart for babies, esp. those suffering from illness. I volunteered at UNC Children's Hospital for two years as a Pediatric Cuddler and am a licensed foster parent in North Carolina. I was born with a hole in my heart (septal defect) that required open heart surgery at age 6. The hole was the size of a nickel by that point and doctors told my parents I would not live past age 15 without the surgery ... I am 32 now and no sign of a murmur. Tina, I will be praying for you and your beautiful girl!!!

My love for babies has also inspired my new career choice. Starting in August, I will enter the pre-nursing program at my local community college with the ultimate goal of working in the newborn nursery or the NICU. Please pray for me as I begin this journey ... finances are an issue as I have been unemployed for since the end of April. Time management will also be key.

In addition, please pray for my health. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, which is a very painful chronic pain condition accompanied by severe fatigue. I am taking lots of medicine and have recently been put on a very strict, yucky diet (no "white" or processed foods, nothing with corn or corn syrup, etc.). It has been very difficult for me. I am single and feel very alone and overwhelmed by it all. I have actually gotten off of it the last three days. Just fed up and quit. So I also have guilt about that and need to find that motivation and commitment again ... remind myself that I am worth it and ultimately I will be healthier and happier as a result of following doctor's orders. Just wish there was an easier way.

Finally, my heart's desire is to be a mom. I want that more than anything in the world. The desire has only increased the past few years as I have been fostering newborns from the time they are released from the hospital for the week or 10 days until their adoption is finalized. I feel God has placed adoption on my heart as the means to be a mom. There are so many kids out there who need love and I have so much to give. But adoption is not cheap and not all agencies allow singles to adopt. I know God is bigger than any red tape and can make a way. I just can't see HOW or WHEN at this point, and it is so hard. I already have the nursery all set up for my foster babies. And it is getting harder and harder to let them go when the time comes. I am ready for my chance to nurture someone from infancy to adulthood. Just please pray for wisdom and that my trust will grow through this process.

And thanks, Renee, for reminding me that asking for prayer and for help is NOT burdening others. It fosters community and intimacy God desires us to have with others.


P.S. Several others posted since I started writing this. I will still pray for Tina, but will also be praying for those in between:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for safe journey mercies for my husband and I as we start our vacation tomorrow morning (Sat. July 19th). My first name is Marilyn and I am from Ontario, Canada

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for healing from my past, past disappointments, hurtful words, emotional eating, rejection, insecurities, marriage communication, and knowing how to accept love and friendships. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm am struggling with panic attacks, I am starting sessions with my Christian counselor today. I know I need to turn all my burdens, worry and anxiety over to Christ but it is so hard for me. I have issues with trust and control and have been praying so hard to get some peace in my life. Your prayers are so appreciated.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a 39 year old mother of two young boys (ages 8 1/2 and 6). I have experienced two years of health issues due to autoimmune problems. I am very weary of doctor visits, and the money needed to sustain my health. My husband is a wonderful support, Praise God! I just want to be healthy again and to be here to raise my boys. I may need surgery, but a medication might help keep me from surgery. Please pray that the Great Physician, Jesus Christ would heal me completely! Thank you and bless you, sister!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for physical healing. I am 31, and dealing with multiple nagging conditions... today it's a horrible infection that visits more frequently that I would like. I sometimes feel frustrated because I know who my healer is, yet I still struggle with health issues.
Thank you for your prayers!
Jenny in Ohio

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray that God will open financial doors for my husband and I very soon. My husband's business is failing and I have been searching for a job since December. All doors have been closed so far, so I'm praying God will open the right door for a job for me, if that is His will, and will turn around my husband's business so we can meet our financial obligations. CR

Blogger Trudy said...

I am newly married (May 3). My husband and I are both Christians and want Christ at the center of our marriage. My husband is even starting seminary soon, however we have been under attack. Nothing serious, just not very happy with each other lately and can't seem to get past it. I love him dearly and God definitely designed this marriage! I want to be the patient, obedient wife has called me to be but it is difficult because I don't feel I have an example to follow. God has asked me to lead by example and trust in Him to repair things (which neither of us have been doing). My prayer is for the strength and patience to do this! This is supposed to be such a happy, joy-filled time for us and it has been anything but!

Thank you my beautiful sisters in Christ!

God love you and so do I!

Blogger Joyful said...

I LOVE this idea.

For this coming week I would so appreciate prayer for Dr's appointments I have - tests trying to discover what is causing abdominal pain. Please pray that anything that needs to be found will be found so steps can be taken for complete recovery. I guess, actually, you could pray for complete healing so nothing would be found too! :o)

Thank you so much for your prayers on my behalf.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am struggling with opening up to people, and making friends. I just can't seem to open up enough to get past that aquaintance stage. Please pray for me to open up and leave my comfort zone.

Thank you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer is for my husband's heart to be opened to adoption from China. I feel God has told me I have another daughter there, and it is a burden on my heart to bring her home. Thank you so much!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer is for my husband as he has an extremely stressful job. I pray he will lean on the Lord's strength and that we will have a smooth move from AZ to TX in the next coming month.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband says he is not happy and considering leaving. I think alot of it is financial burdens and stress. Please pray that he will stay strong and i can be who he needs me to be and that will make it through this.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anne, I am 37 years old and in your same situation. Have never been married, no (biological)children (accept for my daughter whom I have raised since birth, now 17 yrs old) I have always wanted 4 children and since I already have Angela I pray and dream of having triples. Now we can stand together in prayer for our dreams to come true. May God's will be done in our lives! Blessings. Claudia

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my son Ben who is 14 and has autism. He was in a treatment facility for 9 months and is home now. I pray for peace to calm his spirit. I also pray for myself that I would find a friend or friends who understand the world of having special needs children. I need to be uplifted by friends who understand. Susie

Blogger Cas said...

I will be praying for Christy and her marriage, that God will work his Will in that home.
I am asking for prayers for my son's health issues, caused by alcohol. I am asking God to give him peace, to heal him of his desire for alcohol and to heal his health problems.
Thank you for your prayers.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my former husband, the father of our 3 wonderful children. His name is Keith and he is having bypass surgery on Tuesday, July 22 and a valve replacement. Please pray for his heart and soul both to be healed. He is a Christian but I believe his faith needs strengthening. I would love for him to feel as close to God as I do. It's a wonderful and humbling feeling! Thank you so much! Marlene

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am getting married on the 26th of July, 8 more days. I am 53 and am marrying a wonderful man. my two grandchildren live with me so we will all be coming together as a family unit. My grandchildren and I are moving to my future husbands home. Lots of work and changes all at the same time. Please pray for us as we come together as a family, plan for the wedding, pack, and move. Thank you for your prayers.
Sisters in Christ,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My need, I am recently divorced and am filing for bankruptcy. I live with family and my 6 year old daughter. I need prayer for my daughter and i to have our own place. i also need prayer for God to help financially. I only make $800. a month. I also need to get closer to Him!!Thank you so much!!
God Bless,
Kristeen & Alexandria

Blogger Carissa said...

I wold just ask that you be in prayer for my marriage. My husband and I have been married since December but I have found that marriage brings out my selfishness. Normally I'm a pretty selfless person especially when it comes to doing things for others, I love making people happy... a people pleaser I guess but in my marriage I'm selfish... emotionally more than anything else. I expect things to go my way and when they don't I act like a child. I need to learn more self control and I need a heart change more than anything. Would you girls please be in prayer for me?

Proverbs31ministries has been such a blessing to me and an encouragement when I feel like no one else understands. Thank you ladies for being a part of this sisterhood.

I'm Carissa from Florida

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whew! Where do I begin? Please pray for my relationship with my husband. He is a recent cancer survivor and our life has been affected. He is a very loving and caring husband and father.

I grew up as an only child with a dysfunctional and alcohlic father. I was molested by 3 separate individuals as a young girl. I suffered rejection from my father and first husband. I lost my first child from a still birth. I looked for love in all the wrong places and also had an abortion along the way. Which I believe has caused me to struggle with intimacy and not allowing for anyone (men or women) to get too close to me for fear of rejection.

All of these stuggles have been buried deep inside. I want to be freed from all my baggage once and for all!! The desire of my heart is to have my marriage/intimacy restored. To be able to serve my God fully and to be used for His glory!

I thank my God everyday for His washing and cleansing of my sins and desire to serve Him with all my heart.

With a thankful heart in California

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for me.I am going through major depression and can't seem to get a grip. God has brought me through a really difficult time the last couple of years and I have so many reasons to be thankful....but this depression has just got a hold of me and I can't seem to shake it.

Blogger amy said...

Please pray for a serious discussion that needs to take place between my husband and my ex-husband. By the grace of God, my husband and I have a very good relationship with my ex. People can't get over it and we quickly give God the glory for it. However, something has come up that is creating tension and needs to be discussed. I feel certain that it is the enemy seeking to destroy the testimony of our relationship with my ex. Pray that God would protect it. Pray for the hearts of my husband and my ex husband to be prepared for their talk. Pray that they would each see the other through God's eyes and have His perspective. Pray that God will be glorified. Mostly, pray that I will trust God to see this through and not fret!
(There is a verse that says "Do not fret it leads only to evil. Psalm 37:8)
Thank you so much for your prayers!

Blogger GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Thanks Renee for this opportunity to join in this prayerline.
God knows why he lead me to your blog......

I need prayer for my own spiritual growth.I grow up as a christian,and i experience God in my life i saw His hands.....But i feel lately like He wants more...but it is not clear to me yet....

Prayer for my family 2kids and one on the way and my dh's who just came to an new relationship with the Lord last year....

And last but not least my family finances.....
God Bless

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing me to make these prayer requests. They are many! Please pray for my Mom, Gloria, who battles with depression, many friends seeking employment, my children - that they are all safe and well, and me, to keep up with this pace and to do better financially! God bless you all!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray that my mother will find peace and begin to fully trust the Lord again since the sudden death of my step-dad. He died unexpectedly after a minor surgical procedure and Momma is struggling with her faith.

Alicia- Claremont,NC

Blogger Edie said...

What a Great way to suppor each other!

My prayer request is that God would open a door of opportunity that will lead me into living the life He designed me for. That He would allow me to work from home in a way that I can be creative, meet a need for others, and glorify Him.

Thank you so much!
(edie7777 at tx dot rr dot com)

Blogger GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Forgot to say I'm from Surinam and life in Holland Amsterdam.

Blogger Lelia Chealey said...

Renee, this is AWESOME!! Your rock story made me teary eyed as I realize that sometimes I can be so selfish and not see past the tip of my nose to see others needs. Thanks for this sweet encouragement to put others needs in front of our own. You are such a blessing to all of us Renee. Thank you seems so small, but I want to thank you for interceding for my daughter. I read your last comment to her too and she smiled then said tell her 'thank you, I need all the prayer I can get.' :) Thank you dear friend.

Okay, my prayer request:
That I would become a woman who uses her time wisely and cares for her household and the family in the house. My house is a wreck and daily is a mess so while hubby and son are out of town this weekend I'm determined to make some positive changes.
Thank you for your prayer! :)
In Him,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an interview on Thursday for a position that has been the desire of my heart. Please pray God's will be done.

Denise in Virginia

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a desire to quit my full-time job of 13 yrs to work my home based business full-time. I want for God's hand to be in control of this desire and I want his confirmation to move with it. I want to spend more time growing and serving the Lord and spending time with my 77 yr old mother who just became a widow.

My desire is that He will bless my business with great abundance for me and family and to be able to use it as vehicle to touch others for Christ!!

Blogger Catherine said...

My prayer is to become pregnant with our second child. It's been almost a year...

Also, I long for a close group of godly friends. Please pray that my current friendships with Christian women would deepen into this kind of friendship where we are constantly praying for each other and supporting and encouraging one another, or that I would encounter new friendships.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this devotion today and this joining of women and prayers that you have invited us into.
My prayer is for healing. Ever since I was about 15 (now 27) I have had back pains. Mostly lower but over the last 6 months they have moved upward. I have had x-rays, been stretched, popped, etc and nothing seems to work. It has also started to effect my hips from time to time in the last 6 months as well. My husband has layed hands on me and I am sure he prays for this everyday in his devotions and I have cried out to God. I will be getting insurance God willing next month so I can go to another doctor (I haven't been for 4 years). The pain at times is debilitating and with 4 little ones to run after I can't be this way.
I thank you so much in advance for your prayers as well as God for healing me in His perfect timing!

In Christ's Love,
Nicole, Wabash,IN

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a prayer request for my husband's job situation. He wants to get a job through his Uncle's Carpenter's Union. Could you pray that if it's God's will he will get that job. PLUS we are also planning on starting a family shortly after he gets that job could you also pray that if it's God's will that we will be able to conceive, and I will have a healthy pregnancy, and carry full term. Thank you all so much!

God bless,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer is for patience as my right foot heals after having surgery for a dislocation of my big toe. I am not able to be up and about very much for the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your prayers!
Isle of Palms, SC

Blogger Tracy said...

I popped over from the P31 really spoke to me today. I, too, had an aversion to asking for prayer and help, although I was always happy and even privileged to do for others. That changed when I was diagnosed with MS earlier this year. God taught me the importance of letting the Body of Christ minister to me in many ways, and I will be forever grateful for that lesson. I had to miss She Speaks this year because of my illness and I had so looked forward to returning since last year's conf. Hopefully God will make a way for me to return next year.

As for my prayer request, patience in waiting for God to open the doors for the speaking and writing to which I know he has called me.

Thanks, and God bless,
Tracy in Blacksburg, VA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for your complete healing, Nicole! I know that God is more than sufficient! I would like to ask for you to pray for my husband's business. He has been in business for himself for over 14 years. This has been the worst year with the economy the way it is. We both feel that God is doing something we just don't know what yet. We would truly appreciate your prayers. I have never seen him this way.

Thank you and may the Lord richly bless each of you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would like to ask for your prayers for our family. We were set to adopt a little girl that was born on June 9th. We were contacted by the couple and asked to adopt her. When she arrived the father changed his mind. We have everything ready for a little girl. My son, who is almost 9, has been praying for a baby brother or baby sister. We felt this was the answer to his prayers. We have been so upset over this. We would appreciate your prayers. May the Lord bless each of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to ask prayer for a full time job for myself. I have been looking for a full time job as an elementary teacher for over 2years. Please pray that God will open a door for employment and I will continue to be faithful to Him while I wait.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my marriage. My husband and I are having a lot of issues to work through and he does not want to get counselling. He has agreed that we can start doing devotions together once a week and have a date night for a couple hours once a week. I am working on not pushing him away by being critical and nagging and forgiving him for how often he hurts me. He can be quite emotionally abusive, has told me that he is not longer attracted to me and does not enjoy being around me and he is addicted to computer games and porn. I am reading books to see how I can grow in my relationship with Christ and work on the areas of my life that need fixing, since I really have no power to fix my husband. I am a fix it person, so it is so very hard not to try to fix it and to just let God deal with it. Please pray that we survive this and that God softens, convicts and heals my husband's heart and well as mine. Thanks, Trisha

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is one for restored health, a new beginning, so that I can be the wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend God wants me to be.
Thank you, and God Bless You,

What a great idea this is Renee! Thank you for giving us this double be prayed for AND to pray for someone else.

My prayer request is two-fold. I am so frightened of going to the dentist that my blood pressure always shoots up really high and my dentist will then not work on me. I have to re-schedule hoping the same thing will not happen again. I have to go in a little over 3 weeks to have a filling done. Please pray that God will deliver me from this fear....which I know can seem like such a little thing to those who are not afraid of anything!
And secondly....and most importantly....I have a prayer request that is so private and so raw that I cannot even name it on here. It concerns someone I love very, very dearly. They are at a crossroads in their life and if they continue down the road they're currently on, it may be the end of life as they now know it. It breaks my heart.

Whoever you are that will be praying for me....thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart!

Marilyn from Mississippi

I'm sorry I didn't read your comment before I posted mine. I will be praying for you this week.

God bless you!

Your prayer partner in Mississippi,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my family. We are going through a very difficult financial time.Our oldest is supposed to start college in the fall and we can't afford to send her. This is breaking our hearts. We still have 2 others at home as well. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Luci from VA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is stephanie and I could really use prayer for my health. I am only 24 and have always been extremely healthy but lately the devil is attacking my health in a huge way. I have been getting anxiety and panic attacks that are really hard to function with and also I think I may have some kind of prediabetic condition like hyper or hypoglycemia. I would also love prayer for weight loss. Thank you so much and god bless!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request;
My husband had/or is having an affair with a co-worker and denies it.He claims to be a christian.It has been going on for quite sometime and he is in love with her.I do forgive my husband for what he did to me and my children.
Please pray for healing and restoration in this marriage.He says he loves me but does not show it.He is a very deceitful man.I do not know when he is telling the truth or not.Pray that God will change his life in a way it will be evident in his life.Pray for me for strength.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your devotional so much. In the past couple weeks they have been meeting me just where I was. Now this one, what a blessing you are! I need prayer for my husband, he has to have more tests about many different things, especially a pre-cancerous ulser. He goes to church but is not where he should be in his faith with God & he insisted that I tell no one about his illnesses. So I was so greatful for todays writing so that I could tell someone & get all the prayers out there I can. Thank you & God bless you abundantly!! Trudy

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The software company that I was working for closed a few months ago. I have been enjoying the summer with my girls, but need to return to work (at least part time) or start my own company. Please pray that God will show me where he wants me. Also my girls are in Canada with M-fuge and will be returning Sunday. Please pray for their safe journey.
Thanks, Carolyn

Blogger Tammy said...

My prayer request is for my son and his girlfriend,who are living together, to surrender thier lives to Jesus Christ.

Also for my daughter to meet christian girls this next fall at her new school. She is leaving her christian school and will be entering 10th grade at a public school.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will hold your prayer in my heart and talk about it with Jesus all day. Im thankful He has given me the opportunity to pray for you and your family. In the name of Jesus I lift up the healing of your family. Thank You Jesus that You know our needs even before we do. Thank you Father; God, that You never give us more than we can handle and You are with is.
My brother is ill with UC (ulcerative colitis). Please pray for his healing, remission, recovery, improvement. UC is a incredible burden for him to bare. I would take it for him if I could. I feel so sad and alone. Though my need is minimal as compared to the others here, I just want to feel the hand of God in mine in His comfort in my heavy, lonely heart.
Sandy in Texas

Blogger Deb said...

My prayer request is for healing of some stomach and health issues I am dealing with. I also would like someone to pray that I can live my life healthier. I need to eat right and exercise to help with my health issues. Thank you.


Blogger Jenny said...

Hi all! Thanks Renee for doing this. My prayer is for my two foster boys and their mama. A termination hearing is set for the end of the month. We need prayers for their mama to know Jesus and stay away from bad friends, wisdom for the judge, peace for all involved (lots of family who don't know HOW to pray or WHAT results to even hope for), the boys' well-being throughout this, and that my hubby & I would trust the Lord with whatever is decided.
Thanks, Jenny in CO

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogger Denise said...

I got chills reading this story; maybe because I know the characters or maybe because it struck a cord! Thanks girl for sharing your gifts as a writer and one with an eye for God in every scenerio we face. Kenny and I need prayers for our future plans. So many decisions to be made here in the next month. MAJOR decisions that we are placing before God. Will you please join us in prayer for crystal clear vision and answers. Thanks my friend! Denise

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a brand new Christian as of a powerful calling from Jesus at Easter. He has changed my outlook dramatically and I have not been the same since (thank you, Jesus!). The Lord has been at my side and gives me constant advice and strength and wisdom, but, like a toddler, I fall often and hard. I guess it's normal, but I find it really scary to get off track and lose sight of Jesus. All this to say, could you pray that our Lord reinforce me with his humility and selflessness, and a Christian friend/mentor to help me through the scary times where I am really down on myself for failure? I feel I should also ask you to pray that the Lord reveal how he would like me to use my writing skills for him. Thanks so much! (This was harder than I thought.)
Natasha McNulty from Canada

Blogger Unknown said...

I just found your blog today and I am excited to be a part of this group. My prayer request is something new to us, and we are very concerned. My mother is 84 and a stroke victim. She has always lived with my family and been near my two children. Recently she decided she no longer wanted to live with us and everything ended very badly. Her mind has not been the same since the stroke, and she has become violent and moody. It is breaking our children's heart, and left us in a financial bind as we struggle to replace our furniture, appliances, and the general sense of security in our home.

I thank you for your prayers.

Blogger Loretta said...

Thanks so much for offering this service. I will be in prayer for my person all week long. My prayer request is financial things. I'm currently working at a job and it ends Aug. 14th and my new job starts Aug. 15th. I will be the new teacher aide in the special education room for 3rd-5th grade at my local school district. Im very excited for this job. The only downfall is I will not be receiving a paycheck until September 25th. I do have some money saved up but I just want to ask prayer that I can get all my bills and etc all together and have enough money for those 5 1/2 weeks with no paycheck coming in. I know everything will be okay but as human beings we worry, so Im worrying. So please pray that my financial things will work out great and I want panic when a bill is due in early Sept. Thanks so much.~~~Loretta in Texas

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like prayer for direction for my life, that God would fill the emptiness I feel inside and deliverance from an addiction to prescription pain medication.
Dawn, Montana

Blogger Jessica said...

My prayer request is that my husband and I will have the self-discipline and strength from God to get our finances in order and to trust God in this area.

Thank you for your prayers!

Jessica - Norfolk, Nebraska

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Jessica, I will be praying for you and your husband. I pray that God will give you the wisdom and discipline needed to get your finances in order so that you don't have to live with a financial burden.
I request prayer that my house in Nasvhille will sell soon! I have accepted a job in NC and feel like I am facing a giant with the current housing situation. But I truly believe in my heart that God will answer this prayer so that I am able to move and begin life closer to my family!
Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is for my husband. I have always had a good relatinship with God and i am a Christian. My husband and I had our first daughter together on 4/20/2007. She was born with a genetic disorder which means that we have gone from a 2 income home to a 1 income home. God has as always continued to provide, but my husband seems to have lost his faith during this storm that we are going through. Sometimes it seems as if he is slipping into a depression. Please pray for my husband and my family.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ask for prayer for my family. My step son and his wife are very bitter toward my son and I. I don't exactly know the reasons behind this...but they will not speak to my son...and my daughter in law won't speak to me. Please pray for healing for my family. God does not honor these situations and divisions in families, they only come from satan, and we only want GOD to be lifted and praised with VICTORY in this situation.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Pam and i would like for my sisters in christ to pray for me concerning worship. i love to worship and i am a worship leader at my church but i don't feel like i am a good leader. I struggle with whether or not i can do what God has called me to do. I just want to be a blessing to the people of God and also to my father in heaven. I don't know if I have what it takes to be a effective leader. Thanks for listening.

Blogger sharron said...

I'm asking prayer for my husband. He's applied for a different job in his company that would give him weekends off and us more time to be together, also he would be able to attend church with me. He does not like to miss church but with the company that he works for is open on Sunday, he has no other choice, except to quit. So, we're praying this door will open up for him. Also my children are flying this week on Sunday and again on Tuesday, please pray for their safety.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Robin and I am from Georgia. Please pray for healing in my marriage. My husband is very angry with me and refuses to forgive me for hurting him. He has recently lost his mother to ALS and is having a hard time with other issues in the past he will not tell me about. He is a Christian man and says he has a relationshio with Jesus. Thanks Robin

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Pam! I am a leader in my church as well - children's ministry. God takes WHO you are - His own beloved child - and uses WHAT you have - gifts from His own treasure chest - to accomplish His will. I will pray for you, Pam. God surely values you highly if He has placed you in this leadership position!

My daughter Hannah graduated in May from a Christian university with an elementary education teaching degree. Years ago, she felt God calling her to teach in His kingdom. She has applied and interviewed for teaching positions in various Christian schools with no success. She is contemplating teaching in the public schools, but jobs are scarce. Hannah has medical conditions (spina bifida, diabetes) which make health insurance a must. Her benefits expire November 30th. She is confused (Why did I earn a teaching degree if I cannot find a position?) and scared (What will I do for medical care when my benefits run out?) and hurt (What is wrong with me that no one will hire me?). Please pray that the Lord will guide her to the place He has intended her to be all along, and that He will grant her trust and patience in the waiting. Thank you, and may God bless you! Debbie

Blogger Alyce said...

This is great Renee. My prayer request would be that I have wisdom to know what to do about going back to work part time (big financial changes this year). I need to feel peace about it and to be able to find something...soon. Something I have young children..I have been a stay at home mom for almost 8 years..this is going to be a big change.
Thanks so much!
Alyce from VA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I will also pray for Sharron and Robin who commented before my post! Debbie from WA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alyce, I am praying for you as well - All things are possible with God!

Debbie from WA

Anonymous Anonymous said...

please pray for my husband - he is fighting an addiction, anxiety and has not worked most of this year.
i know that he is fighting the Holy Spirit (he's afraid) i am near exhaustion, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. my name is Donna
thank you,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need prayer that I may learn to be a better friend to my friend who gets hurt so easily. I know she needs friends but is bipolar and pushes everyone away for tiny little reasons. She is trying to push me away and I feel so down and hurt that I would love to just run away but I know that God wants me to be her friend, not only for her, but so I will grow. Much love and thanks for your prayers. Susie

Blogger gaab said...

I am just having a week where things are not going right. I am having a hard time giving my worries to God and understanding what he has planned. I have been let down over and over again by people I have trusted and now feel that I can not find a friend. On top of everyting, I have my husband's family in town.:) Thanks for listening. gaab

Blogger deborah said...

My prayer is for our house to sell in Oregon. My husband and I bought a business and moved to Washington at the Lord's calling, and our house is the last piece dangling for us to move forward and serve our God in this new place he provided for us. Thank you for your prayers....we serve and awesome God!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer request is that my family will be helped to find a church family. We had been part of a mission for 5 years, but it closed its doors, leaving us with no church home. We have been searching and have not found the place we are to be serving in at this time, and it's getting frustrating!

Lisa - Fayetteville, AR

Anonymous Anonymous said...

new job that pays twice the amount I make now which is only 7.75 hour and start a food plan program to lose weight. need encouagement to get started and direction. thanks
Leanne Richardson

Blogger Roxie said...

Praying for all of the ladies that have posted and especially the one before me.

My prayer request is for wisdom, discernment, and oh patience in dealing with my ex-husband. Also for my teenaged boys to have a better relationship with their dad. And for our Church as we start up a DivorceCare recovery group. Roxie

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for my husband, Larry, who live in constant, chronic pain due to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident 3 years ago. He is just beginning treatment with a new pain specialist who seems to be approaching him in a thorough and caring manner. Pray for wisdom for the doctor and healing/pain relif for Larry. God Bless...Pat

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the Spirit has led me here today. Why, I don't really know, but it's always exciting to see. My prayer request has to do with my son. He's 25 and very unhappy. We are a close family and he appreciates that, but he feels a need to try moving away in search of a better life for himself. I can understand that part. The part I can't understand is that he wants to go so far away that we will only see him about 3 times a year instead of the 2 times a week like now. I have tried to ask him to consider somewhere closer so that we could at least get back and forth on a normal weekend,but I believe that while he wants to move, he is not up to moving where he knows noone, and where he is going, there is a college friend for him to connect with.

My heart is breaking and I am feeling injured by him. Please pray for my son, that God's Will will prevail, and for me that I will be able to let go of my resentment and hurt. If it is God's will that he go, then I need to be able to be at peace about it. If it is not God's will, I pray that God will protect him from making a mistake.

I'm sorry this is so long. Thank you for all you do.

Debbie in Memphis

Blogger Patty said...

Please pray for me I have just been told that I have a ruptured disk in my lower back and that I will probably need surgery.I don't have alot of pain which is an indication that I have already done some serious nerve damage.So it is scary, I don't know too many people who have had good results from back surgery and I am very concerned. Also pray that I will be able to go with my family to our church camp this week and not be a big drag because of this back problem.
Patty from Saskatchewan, Canada.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had a series of bad things happen from 9/07 to now, my brother dicovered he had a brain tumor that turned out to be cancer and he had a stroke on top of that, another brother had to have bypass surgery, my son was shot, and the man that I spent the last 19 years with hoping to marry walked out in the middle of all of this and he did it in a horrible way. I need help.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm having a medical issue that is not very serious, but a serious annoyance. I hate to ask for prayer for this because it isn't as serious as some prayer requests, but to know that someone out there is praying for me would be reassuring. I know the Lord can heal me and help me deal with this stress. Thank you for your prayer!
-Kim, Arizona

Blogger Kate Geisen said...

Please pray for me that I can find my way back to a stronger, more loving relationship with my husband and regain the interest and excitement I first felt about him.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am asking for prayer for my children that they are set free from the bondages of alcohol and drugs. I also am asking that my faith be restored and for healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. I need courage and strength to pursue the purposes of God in my life.

Thank You and God Bless

Blogger Unknown said...

I want to go deeper with God. Deeper, deeper, deeper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family car broke down yesterday and could cost up to $1800 to fix (we should know on Monday), it is our only transportation....our finances are having a tough time and I am trying to find a job that is right for me so that I can help get my family back on our feet.....

I know these are all test of our faith for us but please pray that our car problem and repair cost are very minimal and I find a job that is suited best for me which will allow me to continue caring and be there for my family.

Keep the Faith,
Paula Fraijo from California

My husband and 19 year old son are currently in Bolivia serving on a mission team. I am requesting prayer for their safety, but further still, for God to do his shaping work in the hearts. I want them to receive clarity and vision for the next step in the journey. Many thanks.

peace~ elaine (north carolina)

Blogger Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks Renee. I loved this;

In that moment we take our eyes off our fears, our doubts, our struggles and set them on someone else's needs. There we find faith to believe the power of God’s Word for them, and somehow our confidence in God's promises and power are true for us in a way they may never have been before. That is the power of a praying friend!

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to put it into practice.

My prayer is two fold:
1) Direction in what area to serve in at church. I am passionate about teaching and writing, but I am making slides for power point. It is a needed service. I need to know if I should continue in it and for wisdom in finding a way to use my passions.

2) I struggle with depression and my emotions have been all over the place the last three weeks or so. I'm finding my self forgetful and irritable and those kind of things. I've managed before and I'm still managing, but I need some help making it over this hurdle.

Thanks for praying.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray that God will help us with our finances. We need to get in control of what we are spending and to get ourselves into doing more saving and more giving to others. God has blessed us with good paying jobs and I want to use his money wisely.


Blogger FAITHFUL1 said...

I will surely pray for your prayer requests. Your adoption request is near and dear to my heart as my husband and I have adopted two very special boys through our county adoption system and I was an adopted child as well. This is a special calling--I wish you the best! My prayer request is that I be able to find a psychiatrist who is able to help me obtain the much needed medicaiton for my depression diagnosis. My meds have run out and although I pray and ask God for his support, some days I just cannot barely go on. I am so glad that I got linked to this site from an email today. God does lead us where he wants us to go.
Renee', from Ohio

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a 14 yrs old daughter who will be starting High School in August. There is so much that I want to share with her before she starts school.

She is a very bright girl but limits herself. She was diagnosed with ADHD and her teachers and I in the past have implemented modifications to help her with class work as well as homework.

My prayer request is that God would heal her of her ADHD, strengthen her weaknesses throughtout her high school years and that God would send her positive god fearing friends.

Thank you for your prayer....

My name is Carmen from Holly Springs, NC

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for the healing of an ulcer on my left leg near the ankle. It hasn't healed for many months and nothing the doctors have suggested has worked. My sister is arriving from Florida next Wednesday and I don't want this to interfere with our time together.It is quite painful. Pat Haldin

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like prayer for my sister sharon to be healed of cancer.also my husband john health issues and my grandson dustin molster to be brought to justice.thank you.linda gee

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, please pray that God will show me His will for my life. I haven't been able to get a job and my husband and I were recently told the only way we could conceive is through IVF. I have applied for several jobs but I haven't been able to get any of them. Sometimes I feel that God wants me doing something else, I just don't know what. Thank you, Elizabeth

Blogger Sarah Innes said...

Please pray for my brother who is beginning the incredible process of coming to know his birth mother.

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