But before I go there... I wanted to answer the rest of the questions left from the post I'd written about being faithful in the little and big things God calls us to.
One question I have is of timing. I wonder if there are seasons (because of raising children, etc.) that God only asks for smaller investments of the gift.
Yes, you are right on C.J. If we're married and/or have kids, our most important ministry is at home. I used to think that being a wife and mom was a one-talent kind of assignment since so many others had the same calling but I was wrong. It's a 10-talent assignment that God called me to be 110% faithful to before He ever let me out of the house :-). We have to guard our hearts and make sure we serve Him well behind the scenes caring for our family, doing laundry, cooking, changing diapers, reading stories, playing with dinosaurs, teaching young ones to read and write. Also as they get a little older they need us close by to coach them in the things of life like friendships, dealing with conflict, fears, adademic challenges, etc.
Ministry beyond the walls of home had to fit in with our family's schedule. Writing notes, prayer ministry, administrative roles that I could do on my computer, etc. worked if I could do them while the kids napped or on a weekday evening when JJ was home. I needed to have an outlet for my creativity and extrovert energy so my husband and found ways for me to do small things. JJ traveled a lot when our boys were young so most of my serving was from home or on a weekend. I didn't start speaking regularly or serving in leadership at P31 until both my boys were in school full-time. JJ also switched jobs eight years ago. He now has a non-traveling job and is home by dinner almost every night. He and the boys do fun stuff like father-son camping trips and other guys stuff when I'm gone so it fits our family in this season of life.
- MaryLu said...
- Sometimes I think...There are so many wonderful writers and authors out there, how could I possibly contribute? But maybe in some way, with God's help, I can be an encouragement to others.
- MaryLu, I completely understand how you feel. I felt that way for so long, and I still do when I walk through a bookstore. How could I say it any better or different then all of them? I had to come to a point where I was writing not for publication but simply for remembrance...simply to leave a legacy of my everyday journey with God. When I feel doubtful or discouraged, I remind myself that it's biblical to tell of the wonders of our God, to record it for a future generation, to leave markings along the way the way that others can follow as we follow Him.
- The truth is, there is no one who can share the story God is writing in your life - but you! There is no one who can tell it the way you can. No one who sees Him the way you do, hears His thoughts towards you. And if He's gifted you to write then you need to write. Even if you are not sure you're gifted, ask yourself this: Does my heart come alive when I write? Are others impacted or encouraged by my words? If the answer is yes, then write girl write!
Honestly, I have heard this parable countless times, and this is the first time I have really thought about it this way! It made me stop and think..."Am I making the most out of my time here on Earth?" "Am I being a good servant and reaching people for His kingdom, telling others of a wonderful savior who died for them, and wants to wash their sins away?" "Am I being a good steward of what God has given me?" "Am I being "all that I can be" as a woman, wife, mother?" So many questions, so much soul searching.
Preach it sista! We've got to share the message God's given each of us and only use words if necessary. I once heard that we may be the only Bible someone reads. That may have been the case for me this weekend. I was flying home Saturday night and the man sitting next to me was very talkative. He asked about where I was going and why I was in FL. After telling him I was speaking, he asked about my messages. That opened the door for me but I wasn't really wanting to walk through it. Didn't want to be available. Didn't feel able at all.
I was tired. I had shared three messages in less than 24 hours. I didn't want to share another one (just being honest here). Yet, as I opened my mouth God filled my lips with a love story about a girl who found unconditional love when she was ready to give up on life and herself. A girl who'd lost all hope and found herself in a pit of darkness. A girl who had all that she wanted but it couldn't fill her empty heart. A girl who fell in love with Jesus - the one who offered love that wouldn't fail even if she did.
We talked for the whole hour and a half flight. He shared that he is Hindu. It was amazing to watch God take a tired women and fill her mouth with just the words she needed when she needed them. As we talked I remembered conversations my husband had shared about sharing his faith with his co-worker/friend who is Hindu. About how they believe in reincarnation. God reminded me that He'd make me able if I'd be willing to be faithful with the little I had to give. I am praying that Jesus will continue to pursue "Jerry" (his American name) and make others able and available to share His love with him.