Happily Ever Aster

"And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her."
Esther 2:15b

Lord, thank you for my beautiful daughter whose heart radiates Your joy and love. May her beauty increase each day from the inside out as she comes to know the personal love and pursuit of Jesus. I pray she will always know that her King is enthralled with her beauty. Thank You for the gift of being her mother and the way You change me every day through her. May we both know You more and more as we witness together the unfolding of Your love story in her life. In Jesus Name, amen.

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Blogger Carol Davis said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift!!!

Blogger Lisa Smith said...

Love it!! Love ya'll!!

Blogger Unknown said...

She is beautiful!

Blogger Bonita said...

What a perfect scripture for her! I haven't even met her yet, but she captures my heart every time I see her picture.

And I'm sure Aster will one day pray a similar prayer thanking God for her wonderful mommy.

Blogger Stephanie Garneau said...

Renee, rejoicing today in your obedience to adopt this precious little girl. You are an example to us all. Thanks for sharing Esther with us at She Speaks!

Blogger Sharon Sloan said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Each time I see your unconditional love for Esther, I have more hope that all is not lost in this world. Thanks for being so transparent and for being a ray of sunshine.

Blogger B His Girl said...

Loved seeing Aster. I know God has beautiful things planned for her. B

Anonymous Brenda Wynne said...

She is beautiful and has a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing her with all of us!

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