“We need new tennis shoes!” It was a school night and our family had just finished dinner. The plan was to clean up, get homework done and have my two sons in bed on time so that my husband and I could enjoy a little rest and relaxation. However my boys had a plan of their own.
Basketball season had started and they both insisted they “needed” brand new basketball shoes. “Absolutely not”! Their school tennis shoes would be fine. My oldest son had a hole in his left shoe but surely that couldn’t interfere with him running down the basketball court. My youngest son’s hand-me-downs would certainly survive a few more months.
As I stacked the dishwasher, my boys secretly strategized a plan. They explained that these new shoes could play a dual role. Not only would they be perfect for basketball season but could also be worn to school. They told me it would be the last pair of shoes they would need until Summer time. I fell for it… hook, line and sinker.
Before I knew it, we were in the car headed for the local shoe store. I had already told the boys we needed to stay away from fancy sporting goods stores that seldom have the deals we were looking for. I've majored in shopping most of my life and this was definitely going to be a buy one get one free shopping spree.
As we drove to the store, I began to feel my stress level rise. So many thoughts flooded my mind. Basketball shoes are expensive. Christmas is right around the corner. So much for those cute boots I was saving up to buy. It's after 7:00 pm on a school night. What am I doing! In that moment, I blurted out to my son "Brody, would you please pray”?
Many years ago our family started consistently praying every time we left our home. It didn't matter whether we were running a simple errand or leaving for a 7 day vacation trip. Regardless of the circumstances we always asked God for protection and a safe return home. Tonight was no exception.
I figured my son would toss out a quick three liner prayer asking God for a specific pair of brand name shoes he was hoping for. Instead he started out with a very simple prayer of thanks. He thanked God for passing his science test that morning and for his friends at school and church. He thanked God for keeping our family safe and for the great dinner we had that night.
Then he prayed about the new basketball shoes he and his brother so desperately wanted. Not only did he ask God to help us find them but requested that they be available in just the right size, and that his soon to be found shoes would be on sale at a really good price and of course be a popular brand name. He prayed we would find the shoes quickly and not have to run to several different stores since it was a school night.
I'd heard my son pray many times before but this time was different. As I reflected on all of those long talks and numerous questions he’d ask about God and answered prayers, I realized that taking the time to share God’s principals and promises with him in the past had made a difference in his prayer life.
In those fleeting moments, I learned something very special about my teenage son's prayer life. It is real. It is honest. It is personal. He understands that no request is too big or too small for his Heavenly Father. That no matter how busy life may seem God always has time to listen to him. That every detail in his life has significance to God, even something as simple as basketball shoes.
After one hour, we found those perfect shoes. They were just the right size and just the right price. Not only that, they were a name brand too! What more could we have asked for. God was faithful and answered a young boy's simple prayer about basketball shoes.
As we headed home, I didn't have to ask my son to pray. He just automatically did as a natural response to his joyful heart. My heart was full of joy too because I knew that the feet that would walk in those shoes would also walk the road for Christ."
Leah's an amazing mom and a great writer, too, huh? I am so thankful she was willing to let me share her story with you today.I also wanted to let you know Leah is going for her physical today after her racing/pounding heart rate episode I posted about last week. Please pray for her and for the doctors to be able to determine what caused it. We'll keep you posted. Also, Leah sent me last week's winners. They are listed below in Sunday night's post.
Today's Mom Give-Aways
A copy of George Barna's "Revolutionary Parenting" and a D6 Mom Tshirt.
To be part of today's give-away, click on "comments" below. PLEASE include your email so we can get in touch if you win. Thank you D6 for today's great give-aways!
My parents used to always pray in the car, too! I don't always remember but do want to make it a priority. What a great lesson for our children!!
I had a teary eyed moment there. I can't imagine the joy I would feel when my child leads us in prayer. He's only 2 and I pray to God that I somehow, someway can be that influence for him that he will love the Lord as much as I.
Lisa V -
praise God, He is faithful! This truly truly spoke to my heart. It has been heavy, and truly this ministered to me!
Cynthia A
Just popping over to say hello, Renee!
I love listening to my kids pray. I always feel like it's an unhindered highway to God's throne. Kids just ask and believe so honestly. I learn a lot from them. (isn't it supposed to be the other way around?)
Love you!
This really hit home with me. My daughter is 16 and I've not yet seen this in her life. I feel like I've failed. Is it too late, how do I get this instilled in her now?
What cool kids Leah has! I so want that for my own family - her story encourages me to pray even more that our kids will have a sincere heart for Him :)
Thanks so much :)
Kate :)
What a precious story and a great encouragement.
I am just discovering that some members of mu family have very real and relationships with God. Thanks for this uplifting story.
I love the shoe story! Thanks so much! When those little ones...and now big ones lead us in prayer, it so touches my heart.
Kim...it's never too late! Just start praying tonight! We read a teen devotional before bed, and then depending on whose day it is,we take turns praying aloud. I'll be praying for you!
I love to hear my girls pray -- no posing or rehearsed lines...just flat out talking with God! They could teach me a lesson or three!
That is awesome!!!!
Beautiful story. Thank you Leah and Renee for sharing it with us. My parents always prayed with us in the car too. I can't say we do it ALL the time, but a great portion of the time.
I love hearing my 16 year old son pray. So often as he prays I find out things I was unaware were impacting his life so deeply as he calls on the Lord for help. I have to be careful how I react to his heartfelt expression as he gives me a glimpse of the concerns on his heart and just continue to pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to him.
Trust Leah's appointment went well today. I was at the hospital all day with my Dad who was having surgery. Long day, but he is doing well. Now we await results.
Love & prayers,
What a great testimony. I never thought of praying with my kids in the car every time, but it is a great idea! Thank you.
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I would so love to have this book to help with raising my boys to have THAT kind of faith.
That was a really nice blog. My kids and I often pray as we're on the road. My son is the first to say, "Mom, did you pray about it" when something is bothering me.
What a great testimony to your parenting. I love when my 3 year old recognizes that problems and pains need to be addressed with prayer.
I am always convicted, challenged and encouraged with your posts, whether yours or a friends words.
ladyverlina AT yahoo.com
Thank you for being a servant.
What a wonderful story and an inspiration! I talk to my girls about prayer but to be honest I could be a much better roll model and am working on just that. Stories like this give me inspiration and the push needed to do better. Thank you so much!
I missed the blog yesterday, but hope all of the testing went well for Leah. Great post and what a blessing to hear of young men with that real relationship with the Lord. And a timely reminder to bring everything to the Lord in prayer.
I just wrote about my 6-year-old son's prayer life today. I needed to read this.
I am not married but I take care of my two nephews(5 and 7yrs old),whose father works as an army. And I thank "Encouragement for Today" & you for encouraging & showing me the right way to deal with problems. Thank You!also if there is good website or ministries (you know) that teach about children ministries I would love to know. As I am thinking to take up children ministries if God's willing.
Kewi z
The best place I can recommend is the D6 conference where children's ministry leaders from around the country will gather to encourage and equip those who are leading children at home or in the church. They also have 2 great websites:
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